VIDEO: President Obama cried today as he spoke about the Newton massacre victims as he announced a series of executive actions on guns.
VIDEO: President Obama Cries as he Announces New Gun Measures

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This man is so rolling in his own mud, he is so engrossed in his own ideology that it brings him to tears. It’s interesting to note what brings him to tears and what doesn’t. It doesn’t seem to bother him that people are getting beheaded in the Middle East especially young Christians and being forced into slavery.
What alligator tears.
You want to protect the children put armed guards in the schools
Cars also kill people we should put stronger measures on cars. Maybe biometric hand scanners or that u have to keep it locked in a garage unless absolutely under dire circumstances you have to drive. Last one fingerprinted so we know if you are driving your own car
#3 dont give him any ideas!!
Where are the tears for the 468 people murdered with illegal guns in Chicago this year
Just wondering:
Had you watched the video, you would have at least noticed that the President explicitly mentions the killings occurring “on the streets in Chicago ever day.”
Gun control forever!!!!
Barack is a strong REAL MAN, he doesn’t ketvthe media run him or poison his mind like the FAKE MEN that complain about what he is accomplishing. Weak men, Confused Men, when your wives or women hear you complain about this man they know its out if fear and just laugh at you. This president, REAL MAN, made it easier and healthier for your kids, Insurance till your 26, I mean what president made it that every kid,women, REAL MEN, oh yes and FAKE MEN get insurance. Every republican and democrat is asked what will they do with Isis, their answer to sum it up, the sane thing the president is doing. What idiot don’t want gun control, it might be the idiot who’s kid get shot in school or relative gets shot on the street.
Smart political move, to cry like that
The Frum community is so poisoned with hatred for this man. It’s sad and pathetic.
You can argue all you want about ideology….but the hatred and venom shown toward this president is beyond the pale.
I remember when the Democrats made fun of Boehner for crying. Oh, do I remember. They even called him a crybaby.
Today, of course, they conveniently forgot their hypocrisy.