VIDEO: Police Arrest Burglary Suspect Tackled by Civilian on Clifton Avenue

suspect cliftonA man suspected of burglarizing a home earlier today was arrested on Clifton Avenue this evening after being tackled by a civilian, TLS has learned.

Police say the suspect allegedly broke into a Woehr Avenue home around 2 PM today, but by the time police arrived the suspect had fled.

Shortly before 6 PM, police received a call that the alleged suspect – identified by witnesses – was on Clifton Avenue.

When police arrived, an unidentified man – whom sources say was possibly related to the victim – had already wrestled the suspect to the ground, awaiting police, witnesses told TLS.

Police confirm the suspect is in custody. No proceeds were found, police said.

The suspect is not believed to be connected to the larger burglaries around town, a source said.




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