Video: Pikuach Nefesh Frum Man being threatened by loan sharks!

[COMMUNICATED] I am writing this letter to make you aware of a yid in our neighborhood who owes money to the mafia and is getting terrible threats from them day and night. They threatened to kill him and his entire family השם ירחם.

He has no peace of mind!

This man is a frum man with a family and he has no one to help him.

This is seriously a case of pikauch nefesh! I ask you to please be compassionate and help him in this dark time of his life.

By donating, you will be helping a yid get back on his feet.

You have a tremendous zechus and a great mitzva of hatazalas nefashos, of saving another yid.


Please have rachmonos and donate as much as possible to take him out of this difficult situation.

Hashem should give you bracha and hatzlacha.

Rabbi Yishayahu Hertzel

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