VIDEO & PHOTOS: One week after the official closing date of Tent City, its founder, Minister Steve Brigham – the last remaining person in the homeless camp, left last night for the last time.
VIDEO & PHOTOS: THE END OF TENT CITY: Tent City’s Founder Leaves Homeless Encampment for the Last Time

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The washing machines that “Minister ” Steve is towing away were only for his own use- he never let the residents use them. He is planning anotehr Tent City in Lakewood – so just watch out. The other residents and I never want to go back to Tent City . Minister Steve ran the camp without order . He allowed fugitives from justice to reside in Tent City- no questions asked. The food was often spolied . Water was poor and undruinkable. Thank you Mike from STEPS and the entire Lakewood government including Mayor Akerman. You saved us from ourselves . Now it is up to us former residents to make our way in the world – without drugs, alcohol and other substances that will numb our brain and erode our morality. Akerman tookl a bad situation in Tent City and gave us a change that will lift us up. Of course all thanks to G-d for saving us .
Hellooo!!! Am I the only person that noticed he was not wearing a seat belt… u don’t have to have $$ to follow that law…. now what’s the excuse?
To Former Tent City Resident: Shame on you. You were never a resident of Tent City. You are just a person that wants to spead lies and tries to cause trouble . I spent many years at Tent City as a volunteer and none of what you say is the truth and there are no plans to open another Tent City. By the way, I don’t believe that God saves people that spead lies.
Thank you Former Tent City Resident for your insight, and your courage to say the truth. We all ..and I do mean all residents of Lakewood.. wish you the very best, and hope you and all your former co-residents find success, happiness, and a healthy, stable life with a steady income and a nice safe place to live. This was never about a ” war” against the homeless. It was about the wrong way to address a problem, which only served to perpetuate and worsen the problem, making the residents more and more dependent on Minister Brigham and others, and getting more and more entrenched in the lifestyle of living off others rather than helping them to better their situation. It’s also interesting that Minister Brigham never let anyone use the washing machine except himself. Yet he went around proclaiming that everyone else was not “loving thy neighbor as yourself.” Our prayers are with you and please keep us updated on your life!
“Former Tent City Resident” spells Hashem’s name with a dash????
To volunteer, did the minister let others use the washing machine? Would be interesting to know
To Sam Dweck: The washing machine was available on a request basis because there was a limited amount of water available for the camp. The water came from a well and was used mainly for showers taken in the shower tent at the camp. If over 100 residents were allowed to use the washer on a regular basis there would not have been enough water available for everyone to take showers. Minister Steve did most of his laundry at the laundromat in town. Most of the residents did not wash their clothes but threw them out got other clothes from the clothing donations that came in on almost a daily basis.
To Former Tent City Resident: “Water was poor and undruinkable”?
All the water used for drinking and cooking was bottled water
To TLC: You should block #1 Former Tent City Resident. He is obviously not from Tent City and is just trying to cause trouble for Minister Steve. People like this should not be allowwed to post on this site.
Thanks to the powers to be that turned a blind eye to this camp when it first started. I would guess it cost the town well over $500,000 for clean up and the service calls to the camp over the years. Shame on the committee for allowing this from the start. Time to push Clover Street through to Pine/Vine Street to help with the traffic.