VIDEO & PHOTOS: PBA Local 71 Distributes Hundreds of Coats During their Sixth Annual Coat Drive Downtown

coat drive 2015The PBA Local 71 on Friday held their 6th annual Coat Drive to benefit local homeless and less fortunate residents.

Off-duty officers from the PBA and the FMBA gave out hundreds of gently-worn winter coats and jackets during the event, which was assisted by Preferred Behavioral Health, the staff of PATH (Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness), the homelessness prevention program.

The PBA thanked Jackson Orthodontics for their donation of approximately 200 coats.

“We’re able to help out a lot of families that are less fortunate than we are,” said PBA Vice President Marc Zrebec.

Also in attendance, were PBA President Sean Ward, and State PBA Delegate Steve Kelusak.

The shoppers also got to enjoy some hot soup, prepared by Officer Dennis Dowden.




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