VIDEO & PHOTOS: Misameach Hosts Unforgettable Birthday Party for Chaim Levi

shVIDEO: On Sunday, Misameach hosted , bringing joy and happiness into the life of a special birthday boy Chaim Levi.

The birthday was graciously hosted by Maurice and Michelle Zekaria of Deal, NJ, in their beautiful home. Over 100 people attended the birthday party, which included the talented band headed by Betzalel Bree. The singers included the famed Yaakov Shwekey, together with Berry Weber and Chili Posen. DJ by Matt Dubb and Mordy Ort

To top it off, there was a delicious hot buffet for all, and expensive gifts were given to the elated birthday boy.

This beautiful party was one Chaim Levi will remember for a very long time.


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  1. This party was incredible. This was not a normal party. I was there. It was unreal. The singers, the music, 60-70 bochurim dancing, the energy by the DJ’s. Mamesh insane. Not to mention the hosts and the house. This is, like, the greatest party family and party house on the east coast. Kudos to R’ Lipa Schwartz for running this fabulous organization and putting this party together just to put a smile on the face of a very special, precious neshamah in honor of his birthday. May we share in many more simchos !!

  2. It was by far the nicest and most happiest party I’ve ever attended. The hosts were really nice, Lipa put together some lineup of singers musicians and dj’s!! Chaim Laivy happy birthday, we all love you!

  3. All posts are correct. I was there as well. It was a beautiful party. Sadly, I missed Yaakov’s performance but I was there for Chilu Posen & Beri Weber. They were amazing. Very into it, upbeat, rocking, really great. I also wanna mention Chaim Laivy’s brither, Moshe, who was also there and had a great time. Thanx tonzz to the host family – may they use their beautiful home for Simchot & itzva-themed events ad biat goel. Another thanx to the amazing boys from R’ Newman’s Yeshiva for giving up their Bein HaSdarim to dance & be Misameach Chaim Laivy & Moshe. And BIG thanx to R’ Lipa for putting this whole thing together !! Tizku L’Mitzvos !!

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