VIDEO & PHOTOS: Lakewood’s SRT Conducts Training with Bearcat’s Battering Ram

srt 2VIDEO & PHOTOS: Lakewood’s Special Response Team (aka SWAT) this past week conducted a training exercise using the Bearcat’s battering ram.

The exercise, conducted on soon-to-be-demolished homes in Lakewood, trained the Special Response Team with using the battering ram of the Bearcat to create an entrance way in a home should it be needed during a standoff, hostage situation or while conducting warrants.

swat training lkwd brickThe ram is attached to the front of the powerful truck, and can ram through windows and doors effortlessly.

The SRT Team is overseen by Officer Rob DeSimone. [TLS]

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  1. What a waste of resources! Are they expecting to fight a war? The Police should be trained to be Peace Officers, not soldiers. Thanks, but no tanks!

  2. I’m all for any piece of equipment that makes the police and citizens safer. I bet Jay would be the first peron to call the police when needed then complain that they drove to fast to get to his house.

  3. Im so happy they did this exercise. For weeks & weeks I’ve been constantly thinking, when are they gonna run the “battering ram” exericise ? Glad they finally got it done.

  4. And our “civilian police force” needs a decidedly military looking Humvee with a battering ram because? Think about why we don’t have the military keeping law and order, and which countries do have the military doing police work.

  5. If you read the article it talks about using the ram to break down a door when the police have a staff off or hostage situation . The truck ram looks allot safer for the police and the hostage. I know if someone was holding my child hostage I would want the police to be able to break down the doors as fast as possible. I’m not a criminal or drug dealer so I’m not afraid of the police.

  6. @hu says

    Do you agree with the Fourth Amendment with protects citizens from unlawful search and seizure? If only “criminal[s] or drug dealer[s]” have what to hide, why is it against the law for police to search a home without a warrant?

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