VIDEO & PHOTOS: Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer & Team deliver Chanukah gifts to sick children

Many sick children and their families are enjoying a brighter Chanukah today, thanks to Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer and his team.

On Tuesday evening, the Chief and some of his officers made their way to the homes of sick children in Lakewood, and personally delivered to them toys, games and more – giving the children a reason to smile.

“To stop everything, wrap gifts and then go out and give them out – it’s something I look forward to all year,” says Chief Meyer. “I really want to thank Toys 4 U for making this possible this year. It means a lot to the kids and their families.”

The operation, now in its seventh year, was coordinated by Community Affairs Liaison Ben Inzelbuch.

“This is something that means a lot to me,” says Ben. “Neither cold, rain or even Covid would get in the way of putting smiles on these children’s faces.”



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  1. This is amazing another over the top initiative done by our great police department and Mr Inzelbuch so happy to be apart of a town that doesn’t only care about the political aspects and rather cares about our amazing residents KEEP IT UP BEN

  2. To our honorable Police Chief-
    This town feels blessed and honored to have such a compassionate person right there at the top. Besides your leadership qualities and the tremendous success you’ve brought about….and the results speak for themselves, you are also someone who truly cares and really concerned about each every single resident living in this great town…
    Much like your predecessor the great police chief, Rob Lawson who we all loved and admired and still do till this day….just so you know this town has the same love and admiration for you!
    I know I speak for many when we say thank you for all you do..

  3. This really brought tears to my eyes! There is no one like Ben Inzelbuch out there! Always looking to better the lives of everyone around him! And thank you to all our amazing police officers who go above and beyond their call of duty! It’s incredibly inspiring! So proud to be part of this town!

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