VIDEO CLIP of Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz addressing a packed crowd at the even in Lake Terrace Sunday evening, honoring Reb Shloime Chaim Kanarek.
Full speech will be published when available.
VIDEO CLIP of Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz addressing a packed crowd at the even in Lake Terrace Sunday evening, honoring Reb Shloime Chaim Kanarek.
Full speech will be published when available.
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What abt the speeches of the Rosh yeshiva/gedolim?
Well said!!!! The patient can’t diagnose – were to biased. It takes an outsider to diagnose. Let’s at least hear it and more importantly LISTEN and improve….. thank you SYR!!
I can only say schools need to take into account other people’s feelings and be very careful with hilchos shmiras halashon before taking the liberty to embarrass and degrade just because they might not fit your exact custom mold. Or maybe look like they don’t fit your exact mold!
Where is the entire speech? I hope that they are not censoring it. What he said needed to be said (and I myself am guilty of what he points out).
Can you please release the full speech, what he said was the truth and there is no reason to hide it any longer. I only heard the end of his speech and would like to hear the whole thing.
I don’t believe you are an OC parent or they would have done what Rechnitz said and told you to find some where else.
They are bla”h a successful yeshiva that people bang down their doors to get in. Yanky Mandelbaum and his staff agonize over the overcrowded class and what they can do to help people. (FYI who took in whole classes from YL when it closed). It’s just not possible for any specific mossid to solve this problem. The only real solution is to sit sit 6,000 miles away and in LA or out in MD and tell people in Lakewood how to solve the problem.
I suffered when I couldn’t get my daughter into the school that I wanted then the Vaad placed her she made horrible friends there. This is my problem and nobody elses! I seek the guidance of the R”Y and manhigim how to deal with it NOT THE MILLIONAIRES. Daas Toreh should be making our decisions and nobody else.
If in Baltimore they use hitler y”sh selection as their model for accepting children into schools so be it! Please H’ not in Lakewood! We will use daas torah instead.
To quote! “I’m sorry if I’m harsh but somethings need to be said!”
i live in bp and was looking to relocate to lakewood is there really no schools or do parents want a DIFFERENT school than the one thats willing to take them?
The problem is not the selection process. Because if one were to take in too his Moisad only the people he doesn’t want the people he does want would have a problem that they don’t have a place to send they’re kid. So the problem is there is not enough space.
Was a wonderful speech & I applaud the speaker for making it.
Can someone tell me how this will help me get my daughter in to school? My wife & I applied to four schools as soon as they started taking applications (none are schools that people would consider “impossible to get in to”). Unfortunately all four “didn’t have room”.
I sent two of the schools I applied to very nice checks within the last year when friends were being honored. Is it wrong for me to wish I didn’t send them any money?
I’m a parent that went through the Yeshiva system & am not looking for tuition breaks.
Can you get a kid in to school without connections?
@what is the truth?
The worst mistake you could possibly make is moving to that cesspool. Yes, your quality of life will improve. Nice house, nice car, cheap Yeshiva tuition etc. however you will destroy your children’s souls with the blatant hypocrisies.
I went for a interview at a certain school in lkwd my husband is in kollel and comes from a wealthy family. The school said that your father in law has to give $20k and then they will except my kid my father in law said no
This is not the way you should get your kid into school of your parents give a large donation !!!:-(
ex Lakewood #8
I’ll bet you were cheering R’ Shlomo Yehuda when he spoke of the elitism of the “machmirim”. and then you go attack an entire town of people as a “cesspool”. I don’t think that’s the kind of Ahavas Yisroel that Rechnitz was exhorting. Someone so concerned about his children’s souls should think twice before publicizing such a hate filled opinion.