VIDEO: Oorah’s Shopping Spree Winner Grabs Thousands of Dollars in Merchandise from Walmart

oorahWatch real footage of last year’s Oorah Auction “Shopping Spree” winner running through Walmart, grabbing all that he can in five minutes. Avi predicted that he would be able to grab $18,000 worth of stuff. Check out how he actually gets pretty close!

“Avi Tzadok claimed his prize just a few days before his wedding, and thanked Oorah for the most wonderful wedding gift ever,” Oorah said.

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  1. This is so funny!

    Notice how he loses time to pick up some stuff from the floor and put back on shelf; why not just dump it in his cart????

    Cool stuff!

  2. Very cool.
    I don’t know what the rules are but I’d have bought two each, starting with the most expensive items… e.g. treadmills, flat screens, electronics, appliances etc. Then you exchange one set of items and with the refund you can now buy any other items you wanted and at a calmer pace.

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