VIDEO: Obama on Trump: Presidential Race is ‘Not a Reality Show’

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After 8 years of Obama it does seem like a show
I have been a harsh critic of President Obama’s policies, and I voted against him twice.
However, with regard to Trump, President Obama’s words are spot-on.
IMHO Trump is terrible for the GOP, and a disaster to this Great Country.
Trump has never given any specifics about his “plan”
His paltry vocabulary consists of shallow words.
May G-d help us.
What does he know about being President? I don’t agree witha lot of what Trump does. I think he is clueless about a lot of stuff. But one thing I am sure of is that he is a good businessman and would seek to make trade fairer instead of making the US everyone’s sugar daddy.
When the gemora stated “kol haposel b’mumo posel” and “p’nei hador k’pnei hakelev” it must have been referring to Mr Barack Hussein Obama
Trump is a bigger supporter of Israel than Obama and the Democrats have ever been. Think about that when you go to vote!
Al Sharpton (who has visited the White House over 80 times) says he’s leaving the US if Trump wins the White House.
“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone, while I’m also reserving my ticket to get outta here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway,” said Sharpton.
Trump has my vote.
Trump has still not released his tax records.Because he’s being audited? Bull…. Hillary had released 33 years of statements.
The president’s got this one right!