VIDEO: NJ Lawmakers Announce Childproof Handgun Effort

sweeneyVIDEO: Legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg and Senator Richard J. Codey that is designed to spur the development and availability of childproof handguns in New Jersey and across the nation was approved Monday by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.

The legislation (S3249) is the result of nearly a year of discussions Senator Weinberg had with the gun safety community.

The bill would amend the current mandate, established under the 2002 Childproof Handgun Law, which requires all handguns sold in the state to be “personalized handguns,” also called smart guns, within three years of the technology becoming available for retail purposes anywhere in the country, and determined by the state Attorney General as meeting established reliability standards. The new legislation would repeal the mandate. In addition, it would require each firearms wholesale or retail dealer operating in the state to offer for sale one or more types of approved personalized handguns on the dealer’s premises, within three years of the technology becoming available.


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  1. Once again the clueless and feckless politicians seek to gain political points with mindless legislation all for the sake of their political careers. In the meantime SIX New Jersey cities made it to the top 100 most dangerous cities in the entire country.
    Liberal madness. Second amendment protects us. Any infringement on that is dangerous.

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