VIDEO: Newest Oorah Video Features Lakewood Resident and Actor Shaya Schonfeld

shayaVIDEO: Watch as Shaya gets a surprise at his front door.

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  1. Well done. Very well done.

    A tip of the cap to you for keeping it classy this time. (Can’t say you always do, though I understand the need to get out of the box)

  2. Superb. ONce again OOrah has pruduced an excellent video that is in a class of its own. And, can we all agree, Shaya Schoenfeld just nails it. one question – whos the videographer and sound guy ? they were both excellent.

  3. Great video. Decent video guy. The choir and harmonies, on the other hand, were absolutely sublime. Mamesh beautiful. And, I agree with Command Post – Shaya Schoenfeld is great. He may be the best frum actor in New Jersey. I’m. Ot even sure who would be a close second!!

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