A new wedding hall is being planned for Lakewood, which will be subsidized for Rebbeim.
During a speech at the Torah Umesorah Conference on Motzei Shabbos, Carey Wolchok announced the wedding hall will be built to give the Rebbeim the opportunity to make wedding without all the pressures involved.
The land, announced Wolchok, was donated by Rabbi Aaron Kotler.
What about non rebbeim who can’t afford to make weddings?
What about the morahs/teachers
Rebbeim make the most money!!! They don’t have to pay tuition
To number 1. Please don’t be so cynical. In Lakewood there is already takana wedding halls where you can make a wedding for about 12 to 15 k. That’s still too much for the adverage rebbe.Everyone knows the starting salary for a rebbe is 35k. When they make a wedding hall special for rebbeim, working men would be embarrassed to make a wedding there! Rebbeim don’t need to impress one another.
Perhaps it’s time to lower the overall cost for example stop wedding invitations maybe just have text messages. You can save thousands that way.
What about people who cant be in yeshiva cuz they have to pay their tuition and had to go to work, dont have any programs, pay tuition and tutoring and therapists and arent rabbeim who may have help from programs and relatives? Didnt rabbeiim just all get raises? there are other people living here that are yeshivaleit who had to go work and cant afford to amke weddings?
Torah Umesorah is a wonderful Organization and continues to be an outstanding Organization. About 15 years ago Harav Elya Svei ZT”L stood up at the Torah Umesorah Convention and spoke out against Yeshiva’s who accept money from non Shomer Torah Umitzvos.
As I sit and watch this wonderful Organization thrive and accomplish so mush good for Yiddishkeit I can’t help but wonder what R’ Elya Svei would’ve had to say about one particular Bal Habus who is one of the Prosidium’s of this Holy Organisation. While most Balei Batim involved are true Ehrliche Yiddin, It pains me to see one particular individual who I know first hand is an outright Ganiv and who constantly robs innocent people in his business dealings.
I call upon Torah Umesorah to reconsider who they allow to be a face of their Organization. It’s not our Mesorah to be a Ganiv and it’s certainly not the ways of the Torah. I hope the individual of which I’m referring to does Tshuva for all the pain he’s caused and money that he owes. But for now I’m happy to see him give my money to such a wonderful Organization.
May Moshiach come soon so that we don’t have to continue seeing such Chillul Hashem and that we wont need Mr. Rechnitz to have to get up and make this point for me.
If Torah Umesorah would like to know who I’m referring to feel free to contact TLS.
A True Ben Torah Umesorah
Your 100% correct. I was thinking the same. Sad!
@ by just saying
@ masmid
maybe become a rebbe if the perks are so great.
Just a heads up, A rebbes starting salary is within range to that of some secretaries in Lakewood.
And …you work 6 days a week and need to prepare and do follow up with percents, etc so in a way your always on the clock.
Except a rebbe starting salary includes, free tuition, presents on chanuka and purim, free food for yomim tovim and other perks.
I am all for supporting rabbeim who deserve the highest respect for the hielga work they do. Gezunta hiet let them get as many perks as possible.
But when you say that rebbaim need it because their income is meager, its both disingenuous and you’ll loose the argument.. They deserve this money because its kili kodesh
Alot of rabbeim get help (10k) when they make a wedding and some yeshivos also give when they make a bar mitzvah. As was stated before there are more non rabbeim that can afford way less than the rabbeim. Please help us!!
We pay tuition we don’t get any programs or breaks from camp or help for weddings.yet we literally don’t make ends meet on a daily basis.
Nebach, but to many Rabbeim these days have to make the same wedding the baal habos makes. They have to compete with the vort and all. It will be ‘below their dignity’ to use such a hall. This is a great thing, and they should all use it.
I know some Rabbeim making $80 a night for tutoring and they pay either no tuition or take their girls tuition off their checks and who family including parents get healthcare
100%. Animal in business world and let’s prop up as if a tzaadik.
What happened to Bais Faiga/Ateres Chana???
Wow. Yasher koach. This will be a huge tremendous help to many many rebbeim. May u all be gebentched.
Whoever has an issue with it should take it up privately with Torah u’mesorah and not bad mouth them publicly.
Thank you again.
There are thousands of toradika families who are struggling just the same as the rebbeim even though they are not a rebbe and live a very simple life they struggle every day and they pay thousands in tuition and to the one who said if the perks are so great become a rebbe it is extremely hard to get a Rebbe job and there are those that are not cut out to be a rebbe but the real truth is that the rebbeim are saving thousands of dollars by getting free tuition and that is a huge savings that regular simple toradika working families are not getting and now they get to have the subsidized wedding hall too that leaves many working men poorer then rebbeim
@ Chaim there are actually many working people that would love to use such a wedding hall and would not be embarrassed at all especially since they are struggling just like a rebbe they would be delighted to have such a hall
Tora Umesora is an organization for Rabeim & schools, while nobody is mitigating how hard it is for anyone else to make Chasuna that’s not who Tora Umesora is here to serve. Maybe another organization can do that. If you feel that Rabeim make so much money and have so many benefits & you are qualified to be a Rebbi then go for it. But you’ll be in for bitter surprise 🙂
Why all the negativity? This is a beautiful thing. No one is taking anything away from you- Torah Umesorah is just giving a really nice and needed perk to rabbeim. Everyone else will go on and continue making Simcha’s same as they have until now. And iyh help that you are meant to have should come your way as well!
I am amazed at the complaints here. These complaints are an embarrassment to Klal Yisroel and most certainly to the Lakewood community. We are talking about Rabbeim here. Torah Umseroah is in the business to help our kids education and are advocates for Rabbeim!
Do not be so jealous and worry about yourselves.. Look at in another way if I was thinking long term of becoming a Rebbe or go to work l I would be very scared on how I would make it financially for my family. With these “Perks” for Rabbeim we are making this decision a little easier for them. Why is that so hard to understand? If you think it’s such a great profession become a Rebbe!!
Besides as others have already stated there are wedding halls already out there where you can make a wedding on a strict budget. Especially in Lakewood!!!
With the above said I will add Children of Morah’s should certainly be included in this.
To all those who mentioned that working people also have difficulty: I am one of you. I have a relatively well paying job, yet I struggle to pay rent. Tuition consumes a large amount of my salary, which most rebbeim don’t need to worry about.
That being said, when someone does a chesed to one segment of the population, he doesn’t deserve criticism for not helping everyone. We all know that it’s very difficult to help everyone, and if someone can help some people but not others, he doesn’t deserve your complaints.
this may be the only option but this is not a bkavodike way to help Rebbi I would not have liked to be the daughter. Its embarrassing to say publicly that your parents are poor
but I hope it will be available for Rebbeim in other cities to use as well
I’m really pained by this Midah Rah that I see happens here very often by commentators. Why is it every time it’s reported that there’s some new service or organization being established to help X amount of people for whatever needs that all of sudden the reaction from nebech so many non farginers is “why is it only for those people why not for these type of people, those people don’t even need the help it’s the other people that need it more” Is it really so hard for all of you non farginers to be happy that BH there are people in Kal Yisroel that stepped up to the plate to help X amount of our Yiddishe brothers? Granted these services or organizations won’t solve all our needs as a tzibur but it will definitely make a big difference to some of the tzibur. Why is it always about me? Stop already enough think about yenim fargin yenem. Where’s your eiyan tov? It’s irrelevant if you feel maybe that this service or organization is better suited for other needy people. So go put your money where your mouth is and establish another organization to serve those people you have in mind (yourself maybe) and if you don’t have the money to do it that’s not an excuse! Many individuals who weren’t financially stable opened & established many chesed organizations.But to continue on this mean evil derech of non fargining another yid has to stop. The first & only comments should be wow amazing how special that both people are getting involved & being innovative in how they do tzedokah v’chesed & wow amazing how many of our brothers & sisters are being helped. I’YH if we fargin all our brothers & sisters and stop thinking about ourselves all the time than in that zechus the Eibishter will shower all of us the whole tzibur with Shefa Brocha V’hatzlacha.
(As a side note I’m personally an individual who doesn’t know how I would make a l’chaim/Vort when the time comes I’YH let alone a wedding)
My husband is a rebbe. And doesn’t get close to &35k and doesn’t get free tuition either .. so in actually the make very very little and work very hard !
Its BMG land. So I am assuming Cedarbridge. So its really the Lakewood Taxpayers land / money. And if built on BMG land, they will not pay taxes on it. Thats how it can afford to be cheaper.
The people complaining don’t want rebbeim to get this perk. They say they are rich enough and we are also struggling. This is pure jealousy. let someone stand up and make everyone have weddings that cost less for example no gowns no invitations etc. Working people have to impress other people so they’ll never go for this but rebbeim don’t need to impress anyone cuz everyone knows that they are so poor therefore they will go for this
T.U. is a wonderful organization but you’re all missing the point we are not jealous we are pleading for someone to help the meddle class non rabbeim that are struggling. The rabbeim also get subsidized for for yom tov!!
Torah umesora needs to do something about tuition. This is affecting the chinuch of the children. When patents are so busy paying tuition they neglect the chinuch. And I wont even talk about using the children as pawns. Not letti6them in because they cant pay tuition. Chinuch is not only rebeaim ut is anyone involved with the children. Parents etc.
To all those commenting that rebbeim really make enough or too much money – you really have got to be kidding. Even if they made 70 K and even if they got 50 k in programs that still is not a lot of money. I make more than that and still just barely get by without fancy extras. Do you really want your kids being taught by someone who is worrying how to pay his next electric bill? I believe all rebbeim and teachers need to be paid much more and this will help prevent this crisis of teachers not wanting to go into this field due to the low pay. remember you always get what you pay for.
Ha, you get paid over $120K & can barely get by, yet you suggest Rabbeim & Teachers get paid more? On the backs of whom? Parents that are making half of what you’re making?? Maybe there should be a larger gap in the slide of who pays what for tuition. All the rich people who would love to sponsor more salary for teachers can do so, but most of Lakewood is through the roof paying their 5-6 tuitions!
Thank you for having the courage to say something. It’s about time someone stands up to this nonsense.
What makes you so sure all Rabbeim get free tuition? I don’t and I know many others that don’t….
A Bais Fayga wedding is a total of $10,000 including flowers, music ,photography etc.This amount is split between the two sides.My question is ,is it worth the 4 million dollars it takes to build a hall to save each side (if they are both rabbeim)say $1000.Wouldn’t it be smarter (not to embarrass the rebbi)and cheaper (at $1000 a wedding it would take 4000 weddings to use up the 4 million)just to give each rabbi $1000 from TU when he makes a wedding??
i don’t see the problem here at all. So someone is kind enough to give extra breaks to rebbeim,.So what? Maybe we just want to help those involved in klei kodesh work. As far as the other issues brought up here, tuition choking working famalies, etc there needs to be a seperate discussion here. Last I checked those who give tzedaka and encourage others are tzadikkim. those who don’t give the,selves and don’t wantr others to give are reshaim. simple equation. put all your efforts into solving the other problems and stop knocking ribeeim. Also don’t judge working people until you become one yourself. until you are in someone else’s shoes, you don’t get it!
A hall that is known as a chesed hall and the recipients are needy…. I don’t hear overtones of Matan Baseiser. At least in the takanos halls no one is labeled as a charity case. If a rebbe is mshadech with an ordinary fam that’s non-rebbe, they are being tagged. It also means that the gowns and she items and jewelry will be coming under scrutiny. (Hmm, it’s a rebbe fam, can they really afford a diamond necklace for the kallah….)
Mama Bear: many people borrow stuff for a wedding. They can wear costume jewelry that can look real. Never judge someone ever, let alone at weddings! B”H for Lakewood gemachs, people can get married with dignity.
My husband isn’t a Rebbi in a school (he is a great Rebbi at home!), and I won’t be eligible to marry my children at a discounted Rebbi wedding hall, however, Hashem is in charge of our finances. We need to be mechazek our emunah and bitachon (and maybe our hishtadlus). When the time comes to marry off our children, Hashem WILL/DOES provide!
It is really sad to see how Schools – Rebbeim and Teachers are treated. For some reason you have people who can afford Anything and everything but when it comes to tuition they fight, ignore, paying their tuition. I know people who have schools, Yeshivas – Why do they have to chase down every single parent? How is it that Not a single parent calls up to ask to pay their tuition. Babysitters everyone pays, all of the sudden their kids in schools and tuition takes a back seat. Why does everyone try to figure out how to get the biggest break. We demand school everyday like it’s are babysitting service but we pay like it’s a voluntary program! Be happy, your school which you run over with a truck at least someone is trying to help them out!
What about the moros? We make half a rebbe’s salary and while we may work fewer hours, it’s nowhere near half the hours. The rebbeim are taken care of so much but so many moros are supporting their families on their paltry salaries (and no, I’m not on programs – I work incredibly hard at a second job to keep my family off programs.) It’s hurtful to see how little regard there is for moros as opposed to rebbeim.
The problem is that instead of us as a kehila lowering the bar for weddings and making sure that the standards go down even for bal habatim , we are constantly raising the bar for takonah weddings by building fancier and fancier halls for takanah weddings and then helping subsidize the fancy weddings .
We are telling the tskanah people, that we will let you have a fancier wedding than what you thought you would have and we will subsidize that. I have heard of numerous cases ,where kalahs from poor families refused to get married in Bais Faiga because it wasn’t as nice as the takanah halls where their friends got married .
We should rather work on convincing the hamon am and bale batim to lower the standards of weddings ,by inviting less people to the meal and cutting the costs
recently renovated bais faiga
Most Moros their Husbands are Rabbeim or in Kollel so they will have access to this new wedding hall anyways thru their Husbands
How about an idea, instead of making a nebach hall for rebbeim take all the money it cost to build this building and subditize the weddings for rebbeim ?????
I am so sad by the comments. Rebbes are building the future of klal yisrael. These are men who daily put so much time and effort into our precious neshamot. They are royalty. We should all be matzliach to have mashiach come and end our parnassa troubles but being angry about “perks” given to the foundation of the Jewish people is not right.
If torah umesorah is worried about the chinuch of our children how about subsidizing tuition for those that qualify?
To genius.
Believe me ,this wont be a nebach hall. It will be a lot nicer and fancier than any hall that we got married in 20 years ago. And that’s the problem. We are just creating more high style weddings and subsidizing higher fancier halls to those that cant afford it,instead of working on all of us to tone down our weddings .
Get ready for another hall with 50 parking spots and free shuttle service from bais sholom parking lot!!
Obviously someone is gaining from all of this
1. Rabbeim have the hardest and most responsible job in the world! Working with the with our children, the diamonds of the world.
2. If one segment gets helped, do you have to minimize it? or worse, try to take it away from them, by telling the people who helped them that they missed the boat by only helping a few… (and as some erroneously said the wrong few)? These good doers May rethink their support for the rabbeim… Oy Vey!!!
3 The עין רע is scary, what a chilling CHILLUL HASHEM (not only for the ערלים, but more important, for us yidden!!
Yidden are witnessing an עין רע ושנאת חינם that is beyond what we have seen!!!
Many HS rebbeim, second seder, Shoel U’meshiv…make less than 10K!!
And they don’t have free tuition.
All the middle class can make weddings in the many Lakewood halls on takana nights. It’s very affordable.
We need perks for rebbeim and teachers or soon we will stop having them. Not many are desperate to teach and watch our increasingly difficult children on so little pay…
Toby, your husband obviously never tried getting a Rebbe job. Its practically impossible. There are lines of people able and willing to take the jobs when they open up. Let the free market work.
Simple solution for everyone. Before your kids start shiduchim, just get a night rebbe or the like job and avail yourself of the hall.
Disregarding all comments about who is eligible and worthy to use this hall, Lakewood really needs another chasuna hall. If rebbeim etc use the new hall, it will free up dates in other halls for everyone else.
To expand on some of the above points We as parents have full responsibly to teach our children Our Rebbes are doing that job ! Doesn’t it make sense that we take responsibility for the things they need to do which includes marrying off their children ? We all want for our children too notch Rebbeim If we don’t make sure they are taken care of that reality will not be possible I’ll end off with a thank you to the most amazing Rebbeim