VIDEO clip of the Shop Rite shopping this evening. Also see a short clip of the thousands of bagels ready to be baked at Bagel Nosh this evening.
Video: Motzei Pesach In Lakewood
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uncle Fred is on the scene b”h
Shoprite is not Jewish owned and has no need to sell their chometz. The chometz that was brought in special for our oilom was bought by them before Pesach and was in their possesion before pesach. So there is no need to rely on any mechirah.
wear do u get your info it is part owend by a jew
Its complicated partly not necessarily controlled…. Ayin igros moshe.
Why u giving shoprite so much attention when their are so many frum owned stores that are trying to make a living??????
the oilam should be m`ayin thr halachah books [star k etc.] i actually went to stop n shop which the book says is no problem
The Shoprite Cooperative is partly owned by yidden but this particular store (and its warehouse) is owned by a goy. Once food is delivered to this store the yidden have no chailek in it. The heimishe brands are actually delivered directly to this store and are never in the coop’s warehouse. So, for those of us who don’t sell real chametz and prefer not to buy sold chametz, this is an ideal set up.
i was in shoprite last i saw people stocking up on flour beans etc why do you need 12 pounds of flour on motzai pesach
Since some stocks are owned by yidden it’s best to shop in a Jewish store that had a proper mechira which is good lekulei alma! Rabbi teitzes mechira of shop rite does not work according to reb Moshe! A machmir goes to a Jewish store
oofah. all this frumme cheshboinos is outweighed by the chiyuv of v’hechezaktem bo. ask your posek.
The fact that YOU don’t sell chometz is irrelevavent. You are buying from a yid who does sell his chometz! Do you realize the difference btw the derabonon of chometz sheavar olov…. (Hem omru vehem omru…) and bal yiroeh. Secondly if you were a true machmir you would not buy from shop rite since some shares are owned by Jews and rabbi teitzes mechira does not work according to reb Moshe. Bottom line there is a mokom to be machmir on shop rite, there is no mokom to be machmir on a Jewish “sold” store.
Tyrone: No shares in the Lakewood Shoprite are held by Jews – it is 100% privately owned by nonJews. The distribution centers have minority Jewish ownership, but the local store brings in the chometz prior to Pesach to alleviate any issues. Rabbi Teitz’s mechira is also not an issue one way or the other as it isn’t necessary for the nonJewish ownership to sell their chometz in the first place. As for supporting Jewish stores, this is to be encourage to the extant that this is required (when they offer competitve (or even -slightly- higher) pricing) – beyond that there’s no real issue.
Who gives a hechsher to the local store that guarantees that no chometz that was held in the distribution centers over pesach will not reach the shelves??? I am not assuring it but there is a mokom to be machmir. A frum store that made a mechirah Kadas vechadin there is NO normal mokom to be machmir. The only issue is ppl being “machmir” without knowing what chelek of shulchan oruch hilchos pesach is in…….
There were many Anoshim Chashuvim and Gedolim who were machmir for themselves . It is not proper for you to make fun of them . The issue of Shoprite is only relevant immediately after Yom Tov when it is sure that the stock was purchased before Pesach . The Kosher section with the heimoshe products was still from the olsd stock this morning but the regular shelves can not be guaranteed anymore as they restocked early in the morning ( as per the Frum yunger,man who works there and kept track the whole night ).
What about all the pretzuts from the magazines what about that isour yes I no most r covers but u know u can still see it
I was mocking the amei hoaretz who are “Machmir” not talmidei chachomim. you still cant explain why it is a chumra to shop in shop rite and not actually a kullah! (nothing to do with supporting a jew, purely from a chometz issue)
It was explained very clearly . The heimishe distributors that distribute items like like gefen ,mishpacha etc DO NOT DELIVER on Pesach . In addition ,there is a frum yungerrman who knows exac tly how much stock of those type of products plus a few other products were delivered before yom tov . Those that are machmir only but thodse products immediately after Yom Tov where the Frum yungerman states that he is certain that none of these items available immediately after yom tov ,were bought during Pesach . In fact the frum yungerman was there all night last night and told people this morning that many of the products in the regular shelves might have been replinished early in the morning and not to buy them . He also verified that as of late morning the chometyx products of the heimishe branf=ds found in the Kosher section was still from those in the store from before Pesach . Why is this so hard to comprehend . Nobody said to shop in Shoprite in general after Peasach is any Hidur . It is only the first few hours after Yom Tov for certain products and for maybe another day or so for the heimishe products which take longer to restock . That is why people stocked up on items like Mishpacha flour .noodles etc last night because they know they can not buy it again for a while if they want to be sure it was not sold by a yid . If you really want to understand I am sure you can . If you just want to knock anybody that is machmir more than you then I cant help you
The Heimishe companies do not deliver to the cooperative. They deliver to this store directly. As such one does not even need the ‘frum yungerman’ (I have no problem with him and he was very helpful last night, I just have no clue who he is and would not neccesarily trust him as a rav hamachshir) to let them know when products were delivered. All Heimishe products that are in Lakewood Shoprite at the end of Pesach were not owned by a yid before Yom Tov, and were not ‘Sold’ to a goy. They were legitimately owned by a goy before Pesach.
The concept of buying in Shoprite after Pesach was figured out by a number of yechidim many years ago (I’ve been going for close to 15 years) at that time there were about 10-20 families that came each year. The concept was discussed with a previous manager of Kosher Experience who spoke to management and began ordering large quantities of the ‘chometz basics’ so that there would be enough for everyone after Yom Tov. This has grown and each year more products are available in larger quantities.
As a side point: there were many people who were not buying the ‘national brands’ at all last night as there was not a clear enough proof that these items had been in the store before Yom Tov and no additional had been brought in over Yom Tov.