VIDEO: Message from Dr. Rich Roberts Regarding Upcoming Chol Hamoed Carnival


Today: The Dr. Roberts Chol Hamoed Carnival

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  1. Thank you very much for doing a great thing which save us a lot of money, and help us with our delicious kidS and beside make sure with everyone will be OK

    • Thank you for posting a a derisive snide comment about mentchlichkeit, prominently displaying that you have none.
      In the future, it may be wise to keep your dignity intact by being careful to do the same to others.
      Your welcome.

    • I was not trying to criticize people. I was trying to make the carnival run more smoothly and be fair to those who do things correctly.

      • Dr. Robert’s,
        Ignore the above critic. I thought your video perfectly propyrr and appropriate, well thought out and conveyed. Tizku L’mitvos.

  2. Thank You Dr Roberts!

    I have to say however that I disagree with the tenure or this video.
    Of course I will follow these rules, as I am a guest and Dr Roberts is the host!

    But as a matter of principle, and as someone involved with coordinating events involving the public, it is unreasonable, and certainly not a lack of “metchlechhkeit” for there there to be an overwhelming need for the public to inquire about the nature of the event.

    Thats why, in the general for profit world, one of the largest aspects of any company is “costemer service”.

    Understandably, when its not for profit, one cannot expect that accommodation. Thats why by events I am part of, I KNOW i will be driven ‘up the wall’ with myriad requests.

    To expect signage and an online instruction video, especially for a community which is largely off-line, to suffice, is setting oneself up for dissapointment.

    To be clear. I have ZERO complaints!
    I just want to point out that the fact that there are so many questions and inquiries is NOT due to a like of mentchlechkeit or “thinking of others”, rather the natural affect of inadequate communication methods, however well intentioned.

    Standing in aisles as well is not an indicator for lack of mentchlechkeit.
    As this is what happens in any venue where occupancy exceeds capacity.
    And though surely people will follow the rules if they know it. As previously stated, there is little chance that the majority of attendees at this event saw the above video.
    Just my opinion

  3. Dr Roberts thank you so much for making the extra effort to assure a smooth and comfortable experience for both children and parents Hashem should bless u!

  4. I’m married and living in Lakewood 10+ years but this was my first year taking my family to the carnival. What an unbelievable well run carnival!! Mr Roberts thank you so much! We had an incredible time.

  5. Thank you, dr. Roberts, this event is amazing and not just a free carnival. It is awesome entertainment for the family. I am sure besides for the simchas yom to v for these kids it avoids so many of the needy families who can’t afford a extra dime for entertainment. Specifically, now when everything is so expensive and sky rocketing. I know of a few families that this year this was there first time going to your events with big teenage kids and they were amazed.
    Kol hakovad that you share your blessings with klal yisroal

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