VIDEO: With the elections just hours away, Board Of Education incumbent Tracy Tift wished to reach out to TLS readers with a video message. Mr. Tift asked all to vote for him in tomorrows elections so that he can finish what he started, he says. “I’m for all the kids, making sure that everybody is treated equally to make sure that all kids get a proper education” he said in his message. He ended his video message by saying, “Hopefully, if you vote for me tomorrow, I will continue to finish what I’ve started”.
Video Message From BOE Member Tracy Tift
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Not playing on mac
What about raissing taxes by 9 million. If that’s what it costs “no thanks”.
He is saying good. But not talking the talk of all the vote for me promises that they all say to get in the door. Good Luck
go tracy go
Mr. Tift thank you for you service as correction officer.
I can hear the sincerety in what Mr Tift is saying, but taxes are just too much. I am voting against all incumbants.
Tracey Tift for Lakewood Chief of Police.
How about answering your record. Let us examine what it is exactly that you started. we have you voting to keep the previous Superintendent. We have you voting numerous times against entire agendas, or almost entire agendas, only accepting the parts that were beneficial to the public school children. We have you voting for a 9 million dollar increase in taxes this year and 3 million last year. We have numerous comments of offensive nature to our community. It has only been in recent months that you realized it might pay off to just rubber stamp the attorney. So, which part exactly should we let you finish that which you started??
Did you to try in the very least to reach out to our community before this video? Have you explained your position to the Igud? They published their 11 questions on TLS, did you answer them? If so, would you care to share those answers with us? Let’s stop with blanket statements like “I am for all the children” “Hopefully lower budgets” “We cannnot cut most things” Let’s get down to the beef. Where do you stand on Holiday bussing? You voted against our community last year, will you do it again? Where do you stand on the position of Board attorney? Title 1? catapult? Do you really want our vote or not???
$19,122,247 16% increase of the Budget is for Transportation
do you really want to cut that or do YOU want to see your CHILDREN walking to SCHOOL
transpportation will increase every year a smore private children are enrolling and growing. Along with the tax base that is growing it should easily offset any transportation issues.
Why did you spend most of the year joining your friends in a maufactured book shortage problem?Why did you double don on all the complaints from your community,such as leaking roofs etc..It seems to me and I have been by the meetings that you may not be for “all”the kids…
End courtesy bussing under 2 miles from schools. This will save a bundle. Have ALL private schools and reglious building pay half of the property taxes on the buildings. It’s a start.
Nothing wrong with a little bit of walking # 9…
It’s good for you!!!
forget the buses. Lower the property tax.
i guess its time for all the Private school children to sign up for public school then lets here about “costs”. Busing a joke compared what the costs will be then. Either way all these developments etc etc are CASH COWS for the township i think people are entitled to get something out of the HUGE school tax.
What about the Catapult non-bid issue? Isn’t the attorney for catapult SCHI and the school board – one and the same person? Something doesn’t seem right – shmeked nisht git – at least
#16 is 100% coorect if the private schools all send to public school it would cost the township over 200 million dollars.SO please dont bring up the lousy bussing.
The private school residence pays over 65% of the taxes so please dont bring up the Bussing.
# 8 Don’t be fooled the orthodox community has the majority vote on the Board. So even if I wounld have voted yes for Holiday bussing the other VOTED NO
Why did you spend most of the year joining your friends in a maufactured book shortage problem?Why did you double don on all the complaints from your community,such as leaking roofs etc..It seems to me and I have been by the meetings that you may not be for “all”the kids…
The book shortage is REAL. #12 If you would have came to a BOE meeting you would no were I stand.
If every private school kid would join the public school system at $12,300 per child per year that would be 267,000,000 this year.Instead the private school does it for $5000 per child at the expense of the schools and the parents, who already pay 80% of the tax bill together with the seniors.If you wouldnt be so fixated on the one benefit that we get you might have gotten some more votes.Why do you think it is ok for us to pay 80% of your $12,3000 per student and we arent entitiled to anything?And by the way all the public schools are still FAILING SCHOOLS!
Where is Lakewood Taxpayers’ money really going? It is NOT THE STUDENTS OR TEACHERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!!!! Facilities are falling apart and have reported mold problems, no infrastructure for 21st Century technology, outdated if any teaching supplies, etc. This problem didnt just start, it’s been going on. However the public schools are in dire need of reformation in order that students can have adequate education and preparation for college and life after Lakewood schools. Whether public or non-public, our children must be educated! The powers that be (Township Committee and some of the BOE) have already taken so much away for the children of Lakewood, especially the public schools it is totally ridiculuous. The year Mr. Tift has been on the BOE, he has serve in the best interest of the children.
The good thing is, that the politicians have finally realized they need to face the people, and not just the powers that be. And the people are here on TLS.
I’m waiting for Obama to send TLS a video explaining his hatred of Israel.
And I’m also waiting for Chris Smith to explain his “yes” vote for CAP and TAX.
The write in candidate against Ada G. is now Carl Fink. Mr. Friedman is to be included in the top slate. Everything else should remain the same. Please be aware, this change is promoted by the VAAD only, and not the Irgud Hamosdos.
The book issue is real. My son has a book dated 1987. If you bothered to come to the BOE meeting about the book issue You would have saw the stapled papers put together to serve as a high school text book.
I see that there is no interest/intent in the Orthodox Community to see that the public school children to get a quality education here in Lakewood. It’s give me, give me, give me. You are creating the hatred for the community. Do you all read your own comments. Greed Always has a huge price to pay in the end. And to # 23, why the comment about Obama? Talk about hate. Take a good look in the mirror. This is America and we NEED to all get along and share space!!!!!!!
Maybe all the private school children should attend the public schools, then it would be easier for the state and gov. to track where all the money really goes. Then all the taxes will go to ONE place. Provided that EACH AND EVERY home and business owner is really paying taxes instead of claiming exemptions hmmm!!! The way I see it, with the amount of million dollar homes going up in this town there should be an overflow of money, not a short fall.
Where are my comments? Why are they not here? Hmmm!!
Tracey has my vote…period. He is for all the kids. But most of all, he represents most of the public school population, and we do need a face that will be for us as well. let’s face it. Its discouraging to and very hard to trust the BOE with not so many who appear like they care for all the kids. Tracey, your a good man. i’ll be at the polls ready to cast MY vote.
Time for a private firm to Audit the Lakewood Dept. of Education.
You seem to need an “education” yourself-just of another sort. I believe you meant to say it is “pay you,pay you,pay you” and it was just a typo?? WE pay for roughly 80% of the costs of running the public school system. What should we say when all we see is crime rising in town,kids being stabbed to “mark” the lsat day of school….” Wouldn’t you call that a failing system?!? Why don’t you visit one of our private schools that charge the PARENTS approximately $4200 for tuition. Why don’t you come and see the genuineness of these children,the seriousness with which they take ALL their studies and most of all HOW THEY ACT. Then and only then come back and gripe all you want. At the current cost of each child in the public school system you don’t want our children there. As far as the “million dollar homes”(check with some contractors-you are approx 40% off on the MOST EXPENSIVE homes here in Lakewood) FYI only religious institutions JUST LIKE YOURS are exempt from taxes. All others pay just like you.
Good Luck with your vote
Tracey you have my vote too!!! The public school children need you!!!
Lets just cut to the chase this is the most corrupt town in the state and it is a shame to watch a group og people who were treated unjustly by racist exact the same behavior on the minorities here in Lakewood. Justice Shall be Served . Beleive me. The decision to not re-elect Mr. Tift was made so long ago and everyone knows it. I guess things have to get worse before they get better becuase the orthodox community seems content to allow public school to continue to struggle and at the same time justify the abusive use of services that are utilized on their community. Also lets just make it clear look at the budget and i guarantee if you pull out every item that goes to the orthodox community it would be easier to see what are major concerns are. include transportation, special ed, and all other services and reality will set in. That is not the kicker the kicker is that despite all you get you would defeat a budget cut servies and only affect public education. What a sin and it will be found out.
Stop threating to send your kids to public school you know it won’t happen. The truth is the public school children are suffering,my daughter is in the 10th grade and she never brings home a text book.Why ?We were told at open house there aren’t enough books is that fair?All kids deserve a good education not just the orthodox children.
To “Oh Please”
Re your last sentence :”All kids deserve a good education not just the orthodox children”
WE PAY FOR THAT FROM OUR OWN POCKETS. What do you pay for your child’s “education”??? Are the millions we pour into the town coffers not enough for you? If the answer is yes,you may want to start fundraising in YOUR community. We have paid enough for YOUR childrens education. What do we get back for it? Just some more crime? My wife used to see the kids coming from the school yards into local developments and taking bikes….DURING class time. So before we give you more money why don’t you shape up your schools. Stop blaming everything on the Orthodox community! The only thing we get is bussing and special ed(and I’m quite sure special ed is state funded)so stop bickering.