VIDEO: Mesivta of Eatontown



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  1. Wow! What a nice video! This is exactly, what Mesivta of Eatontown (MOE) all about. They give boys feeling of belonging and being appreciated for what they are. When most other yeshiva’s give up on those boys- MOE is there for them. They were literally a lifesaver for our son. If not for MOE I don’t now where he would be now . All the rabbeim are just simply amazing . I know that supporting any regular school is important, but supporting this school is definitely even more important ! it’s a tremendous help for the community . It’s gives us a piece of mind , that someone cares for this boys, and because of this they not on a street. THANK YOU “MOE” FOR EVERYTHING!

  2. This is an Incredible moisad staffed by incredible rabbeim & staff, doing incredible work. Why they didn’t put a clip of the hartzigeh, Kumzitz-type, 40-min Hallel, from this part Chanukah is a mystery to me. Either way, buy a raffle !! Tizku L’Mitzvos.

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