VIDEO: Man arrested by LPD for impersonating police officer after trying to conduct traffic stop

A man was arrested in Lakewood early this morning for impersonating a police officer after he allegedly attempted to stop a motorist, eyewitnesses say.

The incident began approximately 2:30 AM this morning when a man driving a black Dodge Charger with Maryland plates followed a motorist for approximately 15 minutes before turning on emergency lights in an apparent attempt to stop the vehicle.

Suspecting the driver behind him was not a police officer, he rolled down his window and yelled at bystander for help. The bystander went over to the driver with emergency lights and asked him if he’s a police officer, at which point the driver fled.

The bystander got into his vehicle and follow the suspect while calling police. After several minutes, police caught up with the suspect in the downtown area, and conducted a motor vehicle stop.

The driver, an unidentified Hispanic male, was taken into custody without incident.



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  1. At this time it would be appropriate for LPD to put out a statement stating what a driver should do in the event that he suspects that the vehicle pulling him is not a police officer.

    LPD has several unmarked cars. This can get very tricky.

  2. To Hunch;

    The correct procedure if you are unsure if in fact you are being pulled over by a police officer is to call 911 and tell them what is happening and to request that they send a marked patrol car.

    • That will almost always result in getting a ticket. Real cops will not like getting questioned and thus the driver won’t get any benefit of doubt.

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