Video: ‘Live Where You Work’ Press Conference

VIDEO of today’s Press Conference introducing the ‘Live Where You Work’ program, which was held at the Municipal building, as posted earlier on TLS. Speakers included Senator and Committeeman Bob Singer, Mayor Steven Langert, Marge Della Vecchia, Executive Director of NJHMFA, Steven Reinman, Director of Economic Development and Ed Collins.

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  1. This seems like it is a wonderful program for the town and these individuals should be commended for their continued great work. Although this program will take time to take off…I thinks it’s another positive step for the town.

  2. good luck if you make a nice living yet pay crazy taxes like most middle class ON THE BOOKS, u most probabaly will be over the income limit. YET IF you are looking to purchase is in the URBAN TARGET AREA then your income must be below 122K for a family over 3 people and a single home cannot cost more than $525,090. a 2 family cannot cost more than $672,228

  3. HH would hire people already living here, and not give incentives for outsiders to take the place of current residents. BMG is enough of a draw, Lakewood will continue to grow. This is misspent tax money. How about giving it to people in foreclosure instead, so they can stay in Lakewood? That would be money well spent.

  4. this program is for first time home buyers. Any first time home buyer can apply. If you buy a home where you work the NJHMFA will basically give you 100% financing

  5. What about making those that are employed by the Township move here within 2 years or lose their jobs? It would surely help Lakewood which has one of the highest unemployment rates (or maybe we want to keep it that way… UEZ…)

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