Heavenly Hamantashen
The Forbidden Formula
Back in the day, Hamantashen were much simpler. There were a few basic fillings, such as raspberry jam and poppy seed. Today it is much more complicated, as they can range from dairy caramel filled Hamantashen, to pulled beef stuffed Hamantashen. How does this affect the Halacha? Do they need special simanim? Let’s listen to Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Kashrus administrator at the cRc, and Executive Director of AKO, as he walks us through this complex sugya.
View it in its entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/heavenly-hamantashen
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Maybe dairy cheespie should also need a clear note, as today, many people assume that if you give them a cheespie for Shabbos, it must be parve.