VIDEO: Lakewood singer and composer Shua Kessin releases official single in honor of Rubashkin’s release; Free audio download [UPDATED]


Motzee Asirim – Shua Kessin / Harmonics Band Official Single in honor of R’ SM Rubashkin’s release
Composed / Performed / Music by Shua Kessin & his Harmonics Band
Video & Music / Produced / Recorded / Mastered by fwdNYC / Shmuli Rosenberg

מוציא אסירים ופודה ענוים, ועונה לעמו ישראל.
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  1. I don’t seem to be able to download.. I use IE 11.. Any suggestions (besides changing browsers)? The suggestion to “right-click on the audio bar and Save As isn’t working for me”.

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