VIDEO: Lakewood C.E.R.T.

cert1VIDEO: Lakewood C.E.R.T. is a part of the national Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) under FEMA. Members of Lakewood CERT have been trained in disaster preparedness, such as search and rescue, fire safety, team organization, HAZMAT scenes, First Aid staffing stations for large events, storm spotting and preparation, and disaster medical operations. CERT members stand ready to assist the community during a crisis to work together with local first responders units as needed and to take an active role in emergency preparedness projects.

Lakewood CERT operates under the Office of Emergency Management in the Township of Lakewood and is deployed through the OEM.

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  1. Can anyone shed light as to why a complimetary comment would get a ‘thumbs down”? This seems to be a common theme……

    Jealousy of sorts?

    Just wondering!

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