VIDEO: Jewish Philanthropist Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Pays for Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers’ Meals in Airport

rechnitzOn his way to Israel for Succoss, philanthropist Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz and his family had a temporary stop in Shannon, Ireland. When entering the airport, they saw approximately 400 soldiers. Most were eating army meals from a paper bag, while the regular passengers and friends were eating at the various trendy restaurants in the area.

Reb Shlomo Yehuda approached the commander and told him that he wanted to treat all the servicemen to a good meal.

At first the commander said it was unnecessary, but Reb Shlomo Yehuda insisted, and the commander announced to all the soldiers that they could eat at any restaurant up to $50. After the servicemen ate, the commander asked if Reb Shlomo yehuda would share with all of them why it is that he did this.

See the video below.


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  1. This is not just an amazing story about an selfless individual who’s generosity is beyond big but it’s also a powerful lesson for us in that here is R’ Shlomo Yehudah in an airport in Shannon Ireland …… and what comes to his mind; how can I be Mekadesh Sheim Shomayim.
    I feel we can all take a lesson from this amazing story.

  2. As a veteran of the US military I want to say Thank You Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz and his family for remembering those that keep us safe in these troubled times.


  3. Very nice story & everyone could learn to make a kiddush hashem wherever in the world you are!!!!!
    Just what does this have to do with Lakewood news????

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