VIDEO: How many violations can you count?

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  1. The bus should have completely stopped across the roadway blocking both directions…(sarcasm at its best).

    As a veteran hatzalah member, I cringe when I see this. I’ve taken too many children to the hospital with injuries sustained from completely avoidable accidents. NO! Let’s not call them accidents. They’re deliberate, inconsiderate & completely irresponsible.

    Kudos for establishing the swing arm cam law. Hope every one of these reckless drivers gets caught and pays max.

  2. 1. he drove on the shoulder to make a right turn. commonly done in many areas.

    2. the turning light was green.

    3. I would guess the bus lights came on suddenly and he didn’t pass the red lights/stop sign. don’t forget the bus was stopping anyway for a light that just turned red.

    4. I’m further guessing the license plate was intentionally blurred out.

  3. All school buses should be equipped with cameras for that, thus vehicles whom commit that (pass school buses) should be immediately located by the local or state police and immediately towed away and impounded with a non negotiable $3,000.00 fine to get the vehicle back; vehicles not picked up within 30 days should be auctioned off and if brings less than $3,000 vehicles owner is responsible for the difference.
    If there’s a clear photo or proof on who was driving the vehicle, the driver should be heavily fined plus a mandatory prison sentence of about 7 days.
    That will save children’s lives .

  4. It’s a still photo. Why is everyone assuming the white van is in motion? It could be stopped to let off or pick up a rider. The school bus appears to not have a working orange light on the left and the tree is hanging too far over the street.

    • The title says video, there’s a video no one seems to be watching, he goes STRAIGHT through a red light using turn lane

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