VIDEO: Featuring musician Moishe Storch, formerly of Lakewood. The Shabbaton is taking place at the Empire Meadowlands.
VIDEO: Havdalah at the Minyan Shelanu Shabbaton

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Lipa your lookin good !!
It was an amazing Shabbos!
The Minyan, led by Rabbi Chaim Abadi Shlit”a has done it AGAIN!
The Shabbos was attended by hundreds of people. Including these rabbonim: Rabbi Gissinger, Rabbi Dovid Trenk, Rabbi B. Shafier, Rabbi Uren Reich, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rabbi D. Bursztyn, Rabbi Nussi Muller, Rabbi Aron Kotler.
Accompanied by Hamenagen R’ Moshe Storch.
The drashos were packed from beginning to end. The debates had incredible turnouts and outcomes.
The oilam was inspired!! – to say the least.
This will be the beginning of a much more spiritual uplifting future for Our Youth and all those who attended. (well proven past results!)
PS The food from Greenwald Caterers was amazing too. 🙂