VIDEO: Hagaon Rav Chaim on taking the Covid vaccine: “Don’t Be Scared”

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they lie to the rouv.
the doctor how advise him has a record of lying to the public.
also the vaccine has a 10% risk.
risk of what? no one know.
also the vaccine is know to modify the dna.
so many basic questions and zero anwsers.
get the vaccine on 1 and only 1 condition .
the nurse or doctor sign for you a full responsibility of any side effect.
ein hod milvado.
Can someone verify if the question they were asking the Rav was about the manufacturer MAKING the vaccine, and not people TAKING the vaccine?
Here we go again. When Reb Chaim says the same as me, the pious walk around with the words emunas chachamim on their lips. When he disagrees, suddenly the pious ‘ein hod (sic) milvado’ makes an appearance.
The vaccine does not have a 10% risk, Mr Beneli is lying. The phase 3 trials are the same as the other vaccines that have been given in the past, that have a great track record.
The basic questions have basic answers, to those who look. For those who want to ask questions, there will never be sufficient answers.
Besides blatant Lashon Hara and incredible Gaava as if you never had a question but have all the answers. You need to apologize and do Teshuva. You have no idea what you are talking about comparing COVID-19 Vaccine trials with previous ones. Show your sources or keep your mouth shut. It’s got you in enough trouble as it is. You should take a vow of silence and fast as well as fast.
yeah, and no that any past vaccine is good either!!! but peopel just don’t know…
I was wondering why was that government official present during the question and answer?
Why does the clip stop before each time the Gadol answers?
How dare you have the Chutzpah to attack and insult a Choshuva yid by name in public. Slanderous fool that you are. You don’t mention your name. Why? People will avoid you at all costs and there is not a minyan in Lakewood that would have you.