VIDEO: Former Governor Christie Urges People To Wear Masks

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a confidant of President Trump, has released a nationwide advertisement campaign urging Americans to wear masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

In the video, Christie brings up his own experience with becoming infected and subsequently hospitalized for a COVID-19 infection and and expressed regret for removing his mask at a White House event where it is believed he caught the virus.

Christie urged that people stop allowing the issue of mask-wearing to divide the nation, and said that not wearing a mask makes you twice as likely to become sick with coronavirus.

“If you don’t do the right thing, we could all end up on the wrong side of history,” Christie says. “Please wear a mask.”

Watch the video below.

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  1. According to science, wearing a mask would not have prevented him from catching the virus. Masks prevent an infected person from transmitting the virus. In other words, his regret isn’t that he didn’t wear a mask, but rather…certain other people.

    • Masks give at least 70% protection. His exposure was greater because no one was wearing a mask in an enclosed place. There is a reason why america is doing so poorly from covid when compared to countries that took the disease seriously.

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