VIDEO: Reb Bentzion Shenker, a name synonymous with Modzitz, sang some of the songs of Modzitz last night in honor of the Rebbe from Eretz Yisroel.
The Tisch, in honor of Purim Katan, was hosted by R’ Dovid Eisen.
VIDEO: Reb Bentzion Shenker, a name synonymous with Modzitz, sang some of the songs of Modzitz last night in honor of the Rebbe from Eretz Yisroel.
The Tisch, in honor of Purim Katan, was hosted by R’ Dovid Eisen.
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The Rebbe joins at 13:25
May the Riboinoi Shel Oilom continue to give this special Yid the koichois to carry on biz hindred in tzvantzig in Ed zol zingen lid ei Moshiach Tzidkeini.