VIDEO: Driver pulled over after picking up hitch, impeding traffic on Clifton Avenue
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Think about it who’s making more traffic picking up a hitchhiker or pulling him over?
You mean by the Police making the driver pull off to the side of the road? You might get some yenta rubbernecking slowing traffic but all of a sudden everyone becomes a law abiding driver. You should respect the cop. In this case it is likely a frum driver and hitchhiker, but more cops are killed in traffic stops than any other way. Pray that everyone gets home safe everyday. Thank you.
I’m not a fan of hitching to begin with. It’s dangerous and I ahve always tried to discuourage it from my kids. I think the purpose of this post was to ignite the debate once again.. So I figured I would jump into the fray
It’s not only impeding traffic, but can also be dangerous. I’ve had cars make sudden stops in front of me and make stops immediately after a turn. Not to mention, even if it may impede traffic more this one time, publicizing it, may prevent it from happening in the future.
It’s also a chillul Hashem.
Good. Stopping in the middle of the road like that is ridiculous. I see it too often.
“Should you wish to give someone a ride, pull over to the side and make sure it’s safe and you’re not impeding traffic.”
TLS – Hitchhiking is illegal even if you do this
As said above Hitchhiking Is Illegal. It would be interesting to see if any summons was issued.
Finally!! Hitching is very unsafe. We should be teaching our children not to hitch.
No good deed goes unpunished
Can someone please explain to me, and I’m asking from a genuine place, because I’m not from Lakewood, and didn’t grow up with hitchhiking and see it all the time here, where are the parents of these children? Do they expect them to get hitches..? Do they not know they are hitching..? Are they ditching buses to get home quicker..?
Its not a child or a young adult. it looks like an older person
There are times when drivers will give someone a ride, and it goes off without a hitch, but sometimes it can be a problem.
Hitchers!! Look around you before you hitch to see if there is a safe place for a car to pull over. Don’t stand in areas that there is not room for a car to pull over! Think!! Be considerate of others….
its about time. MEMO you cannot just STOP in middle of driving to pick up someone. DEAR Bachurim, PLEASE stan in a place that a driver can legally and safely pick you up.
i cannot tell you how many time I almost got into accident when a car just stops !
Thank you LPD
If you give someone a ride by obstructing traffic, or you pull into traffic without looking to see if the road is clear, you are doing an AVEIRAH! It is not a Mitzva Haba B’ AVEIRAH, rather it is a complete AVEIRAH! Unfortunately, I see this too often, even on extremely busy streets such as Central Avenue, where there is no shoulder at the beginning of the road. Please do your part to bring back a safe Lakewood.
which aveira can u be referring to ?
Most of you guys are on the same page but the couple comments being negative about the cops… You guys really need to understand how lucky we are for the Lakewood PD. I moved here from Brooklyn a few years ago and let me tell you.. . The feeling of freedom to be driving around without an army of cops waiting for you to slip up in any way to write you tickets for the dumbest things… The Lakewood PD have jobs to do and ticketing isn’t one of them. You can even argue that maybe they should rocket more to try and change the terrible driving here (seriously, it’s like you transplanted all the worse drivers from NY and brought them here) but understand how lucky you are that you have to do something really stupid to actually get pulled over here.
Thank you for a wise comment.
Hitching is a beautiful way of doing chesed, just do it safely…
Actualy it Was me who was the DRIVER. And I admit its wrong
To stop. Actually it was red when I picked him up, it was not a child or bochur. And even so I admit it’s wrong.
But it is a natural instinct to do good . That brings the danger even bigger. And also tell every bochur who hitchhikes that it is dangerous especially not by a light. And is really illegal.
I told that to the cop to.
The cop was nice anyway. Also he so that it was not a local person that I picked up
Ty Lpd.
Rabbi Lunczer
we are very happy & lucky that we have such nice people like you in our Town!!!
i say we all chip in to pay for the ticket, we all know what it feels like to be on the side of the road trying to get a ride! whos in?
As a very long time resident of Lakewood, I am totally against hitching. For all the bochurim and others who say it’s such a mitzvah to get them to Yeshiva to learn Torah, I have a question. How come, on many mornings, we see many girls walking long distances to their schools? Is it not possible for a young bochur to walk to learn Torah? Is it only possible for young girls? And if the weather isn’t good for walking then parents or the Yeshiva have to get these boys where they have to go. As a young parent many years ago, I found a ride for my son to get to Minyan, when I couldn’t get away from my family in the mornings. As an earlier comment mentioned, it’s the parents’ responsibility, not the whole town. It’s not a Chessed to participate in this dangerous matzav. Do we have to wait to hear about a terrible incident of a driver or hitchiker who was hurt by someone they didn’t know? Let’s prevent it in the first place.
why the boys hitch, and the girls don’t:
Perhaps because it’s the derech of the males to be “sho’ail al hapesachim”
I do the Chesed of stopping to pick up Bochurim who are hitchhiking on County Line Road every morning when I go to the Yeshiva that I joined as a Senior Citizen Yungerman recently after I lost my job. This way at least I can expect to have a Chelek in their Limud HaTorah
Breaking the hitchhiking law in Lakewood is okay?
Can’t we call it giving a lift instead of hitchhiking? They’re Our Boys and it’s a privilege to drive them. I’m not talking about if it’s a good spot to pull over. I’m so happy to be able to take when I can and feel bad watching them wait. It’s called doing chesed.
To mom. You should definitely be talking about if it’s a good spot to pull over. You’ve got to be sketching. It’s that type of driving behavior that’s sure to cause rear-end collisions which I’m certain you’ll blame the driver behind you if it’s you who caused the accident. Drive safely.
What I meant was, that I’m taking about the act of giving the ride. I wasn’t talking about the safety part. Of course I can’t pull over if there isn’t a safe spot. I wonder why the boys don’t realize this and go to an area where this is possible.