VIDEO: Driver, 2 Pedestrians Injured After Route 9 Crash

VIDEO: A serious crash on Route 9 sent a driver and two pedestrians to the hospital this evening, and shut part of the state highway for about two hours.

At about 7:40 PM, two vehicle collided at the intersection of Route 9 and 2nd Street, slamming into two pedestrians standing on the sidewalk, according to bystanders.

About two dozen emergency personnel responded to the scene, inlcuding multiple paramedics and approximately 6-7 ambulances.

The pedestrians were transported with serious injuries to Jersey Shore Medical Center by Hatzolah and EMS.

One of the drivers was also injured, and transported with BLS units to KMC.

Lakewood Traffic & Safety division as well as the Prosecutors Office are investigating the accident.



The incident was first reported on our News Alerts (@lakewoodscoop).

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  1. as a first responder I am wondering why 6-7 ambulance were required for 2 injuries ? were they Lakewood ems ? hatzolah , gem ? just not sure how all those ambulance were dispatched to a call like this. seems very dangerous

  2. #13 with 2 vehicles AND Pedestrians involved, the number of injuries is unknown at the outset. Paramedics come in a separate ambulance. an extrication ambulance can be dispatched, because it may be needed. per the article, 3 people were transported, and gratefully, not more. (as a family member of a first responder)

  3. Upon arrival of the first first responder he saw total of five patients which requires five ambulance two of them were ALS patient that needed an additional two ALS ambulances per MONOC protocol for a total of seven
    To a patient ended up signing an rma
    Did I explain it well enough for you

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