VIDEO: Dr. Rich Roberts: Baby Formula Shortage Crisis Was Created by the FDA, And Now Misleads Like Heroes Fixing It

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  1. Dr. Roberts: I happen to agree with you on this,matter, however please bear in mind that the fda feeds on people like you. We all remember a short time ago , when you came out with a video in support of them with the whole vaccine thingy and buying their narrative without questioning them and their motives, even when they were clearly politicized, than it’s YOU who empowered the fda.
    Now it is possible your right in regard to the vaccine issue, and that’s not the argument I’m making here as I haven’t studied the facts. But I did study history, and I learned that when you allow government agencies to carry their agendas unchecked, this is the result. So in the future, even if you agree to something that the government wants to control, think twice before you release a video in support on whichever issue you agree with them. If not we may wind up with a snake shortage for your next chol hamoed carnival.

        • I just want the readers here to know that I have always called myself “truth” and the above comment is not mine (someone used the same name). The following is the “truth” as I see it: I have been following the corruption from the FDA and CDC regarding covid and the vaccines very carefully. It is actually the first time I was made aware of what these agencies are really all about. I personally heard testimonies from people who were severely injured from the covid vaccines (and from practitioners who help them) and the pfizer documents released by court order recently tells all. I know people who died from COVID also because they were not given the appropriate treatments that were suppressed by these evil agencies and were often murdered in hospitals doing damaging protocols because they could only do what the “CDC and FDA” recommend. I have tremendous respect for Dr Roberts and all that he does however it has been painful to see how the truth about COVID and the vaccines has not been obvious to him despite knowing how corrupt these government agencies are. I pray that Hashem open his eyes and all the doctors and leaders out there who are unknowingly preventing people from getting the real lifesaving treatments (and are often encouraging the ineffective dangerous vaccines) by still following the mainstream narrative and “science” about Covid as if the FDA is really out for our good and mamash lshem shamayim.

      • I would even take it a step further. The same Fauci who started the gain of function research which caused the outbreak of Covid, became the hero who is guiding the government in how to solve it through vaccines which he is financially connected to.
        But I ask you Dr. Roberts, how do you expect anyone to respect the FDA when they are partially funded by the Big Pharm thus insuring their impartiality ???? All of a sudden the govt. doesn’t have enough funds for THIS branch of govt???? Are we suppose to be so naive that ALL branches of govt. are corrupt except the FDA and CDC who are tzadikim with our best interests in mind??? Thank goodness that Covid atleast spurned the communities skeptism of their corruption where even the שפחה שבים sees this!

  2. Thank you for the piece of truth in a world of falsehood. Just wondering, why do we sometimes trust the FDA implicitly and bad mouth anyone who questions them, and intimidate doctors from speaking against FDA and CDC approved drugs ? Doesnt this show they are biased and not to be trusted and we should do our own research on drugs and medications before taking them?

  3. Warning: beginning of video contains clip from CBS with non tznius anchorwoman speaking. Asur for Jewish men to view, please edit out.

  4. So the supply chain problems and the gov inspection of the Abbot Sturgis plant finding over 400 issues, not even the bacteria one, which is statistically meaningless considering the millions of formula products given away by WIC for which Abbot has a monopoly sole-source contract let alone the millions purchased has nothing to do with it? You have a bigger chance of getting sick from sushi or Fow Chi Soup than baby formula.

  5. Scott Gottlieb used to work for the FDA. Now he works for Pfizer. This should tell you everything you need to know about how the vaccines were considered “safe and effective” when they were anything but. (This is only one example of how intertwined these companies are).

  6. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) initial response to complaints about Abbott’s infant formula plant was “too slow” and some decisions could have been “more optimal,” the FDA’s top official said while facing a grilling from lawmakers on Wednesday.

    FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf appeared before a congressional panel to answer questions about the FDA’s handling of events that led to the biggest infant formula shortage in recent U.S. history after Abbott in February recalled some products and closed its Sturgis manufacturing plant after a whistleblower alerted the FDA about serious issues at the plant. The FDA took nearly two months to respond.

    Now the FEC is investigating.

  7. FDA is not ok. They need to go! they control who can b in business… they allow garbage & metals in the baby foods bec they pay them… its all a money making org.
    did u know US baby formulas are of the least safe of countries

  8. it also doesn’t help that they showed 60% to help Ukrainian babies in war to protect their borders. while they sent the other 50% down to our border for those flooding into our country… unfortunately it’s become America last

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