“YTI – Yerushalayim” is an incredible brand new song featuring the highly talented members of a revolutionary first-of-its-kind platform, the Young Talent Initiative (YTI).
This song is what many would call the perfect balance between contemporary and spiritual with a very deep arrangement that has no musical compromise.
Yerushalayim features the incredible Yehuda Litke as lead vocalist, along with the vocals of this songs’ composer Moshe Lang and YTI’s founder Chananya Begun.
Going forward, YTI will be releasing a steady stream of top-notch musical content featuring our members creations over the coming years. Stay tuned for what will be a beacon of creative and spiritual energy in the worldwide Frum community.
Young Talent Initiative – Overview:
Welcome to the debut music video release of the Young Talent Initiative, a revolutionary and first-of-its-kind organization.
With the full support of R’ Yehuda Jacobs Shlita, 8 months ago a revolutionary first-of-its-kind professional music training and production platform was launched for Frum 16-21 year olds – The Young Talent Initiative (YTI). Founded by Chananya Begun.
According to numerous professionals including Rabbi A.Y. Weinberg of Project Extreme, an overwhelmingly high percentage of Frum teens that fall out of the Yeshiva system, end up in rehabs or are even still in Yeshiva but not meeting their full potential are often from the small percentage of the population that are extremely creative highly talented individuals with those accompanying “out-of-box” personalities. For many of these unique individuals, in many cases the Yeshiva system is just not equipped to fully accommodate them. YTI steps in to provide a real opportunity towards unlocking their own creative abilities on a very high, focused and spiritual level in a first-of-it’s kind Frum professional creative arts environment.
Boys ages 16-21 (often with no prior musical experience at all) are fully trained in high-level music theory, music composition, vocal technique, audio engineering and all facets of music production. The members of YTI are taught how to channel deep musical creativity towards raising people up with no-compromise musical productions. They are given incredible opportunities to showcase their newfound talents to the general public through YTI’s own public musical releases as well as collaborations with established singers and producers.
The goal is not necessarily for these talented individuals to become career musicians, singers etc. Rather, it is to give these boys a real identity within the Frum community that is 100% real, matching their creative personalities and abilities. This in turn leads to a healthy outcome no matter what they do as they go further into life and Yiddishkeit. This process naturally creates a deep sense of self-respect and re-connection to other facets of what it means to be a Frum successful individual, in some cases for the first time in years. The community then benefits in innumerable ways by embracing the abilities of these unique individuals and all they have to offer to the community going forward.
Currently, YTI has 17 boys of all types in the program and is seeing magical results both on the music side as well as the overall wellbeing of YTI’s members. Results that are nothing short of spectacular.
Long-term, YTI has plans to open creative centers in Brooklyn, Monsey, Deal and greatly expand their thriving Lakewood branch. A girls division is planned as well as other non-music creative opportunities to ensure that our most creatively talented teens build a strong identity within the Frum community.
YTI founded by Chananya Begun. [email protected]
YTI is fully supported by generous supporters across the NY tri-state area.
YTI is made possible by:
Mayer Kesserman – Lakewood
Aryeh Weiss – Flatbush
Shloimy Englander – Boro Park
Levi Popack (Overpass) – Crown Heights
Yerachmeil Jacobson – Crown Heights
JJ Human – Lakewood
Eli Sami – Brooklyn
Eli Abisror – Deal
Asher Antebbi – Deal
Yecheil Rivlin – Lakewood
along with many other wonderful supporters of YTI.
To get involved, please visit theyti.org
Song title: Yerushalayim
Composed by: Moshe Lang – Lakewood NJ/Yeshiva of Waterbury
Vocals: Moshe Lang, Yehuda Litke (Monsey, NY), Chananya Begun
Guitars: Akiva Alex Tabat
Mixing and masterering: Shmuli Rosenberg – fwd | NYC
Music video set: Jam Room Studios – Howell, NJ
Our incredible team:
Chananya Begun – Founder and CEO.
Shabtai Heller – Donor relationships, music and engineering mentor.
R’ Zev Wolbe (Passaic)- Rabbinic leadership.
Mendy Jacobson – Donor relationships.
Yoel Weiss – music and engineering, producer.
Jake Kamesky – director photography.
Efrayim Berkowitz – music and engineering teacher, Monsey location.
Shmuli Rosenberg (fwd | NYC) – engineer, mentor and supporter of YTI.
Arnie Brown – Jam room studios (Howell, NJ), engineer.
[Press Release]
Wow chananya Begun great job! Thank you so much for this beautiful contribution to the community!
Chananya is a truly amazing talented person
Not bad.