VIDEO: Coronavirus #8: Risks and Benefits of Vaccination – Should you vaccinate? | Dr. Rich Roberts

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  1. Thank you..very informative and helpful. Can you please address the concern of Dr. Wodarg and Dr Yeadon (from Europe) re: spike protein syncytin-1 (which is vital for placenta formation) . If the vaccine triggers an immune response to this protein, then female infertility, miscarriage, or birth defects could result.

  2. This is a most excellent presentation!

    I hope those who watch this will heed the doctor’s advice.

    If Dr. Roberts is reading this, I would like to ask that he address the following point:

    An additional reason to get the vaccine is that we want our town, state, country, (the world ?) to achieve herd immunity. That means that if a high enough percentage of people are immune to the virus, it will disappear because it has no available hosts. This is necessary to protect those people who for whatever reason (youth, allergies, etc) are unable to take the vaccine themselves.

    If enough people sit this one out and choose not to vaccinate we will not achieve herd immunity. Or perhaps it will significantly delay herd immunity.

    The CDC will not tell us to relax social distancing unless the numbers are down.

    So an additional reason to vaccinate is to help our communities and the greater society around us to achieve that goal. It’s called being a good citizen!

    • vaccine insert says the vaccine does not prevent transmission so how could it create herd immunity? your thoughts are not in line with the science.

  3. I am a frontline healthcare worker and can get the vaccine as soon as next week. We have a large Whatsapp Group “Covid-20” and everyone will be vaccinating as well.

  4. Dr Roberts can you please explain how you even can discuss the question weather or not to take this vaccine?
    Our gedolei yisroel have instructed that we do it and there are videos showing so. As a Torah community here in Lakewood (& the world) our mesora is follow gedolei yisroel. There is no room for us to question anything. Indeed they did say to listen to our Dr but that means each one of us speaking with our personal physician.
    I respect you and I know that you consider yourself a proud member of the Torah community. You should promote heeding the gedolei yisroel & nothing more.
    I hope you respond to this
    Thank you

  5. Thank you!!! Thank You!!!!! Thank You!!!!! Thank you Dr. Roberts for such a clear beautiful explanation on how the virus and vaccine work. Unfortunately, times are confusing and most of our news are being generated by what the news editors want us to know. You truly gave us a gift of understanding of an outside opinion from someone who is actually on the inside of knowledge. May you be blessed with continued much hatzlocha!

  6. If you are reading this from the United Kingdom your doctor will tell you not take the vaccine if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in three months. However if you live in the US your doctor will let you take the vaccine – even though it has not been tested for safety in pregnant women in the clinical trials.

    Under the conditions of the EUA, Pfizer has to test the vaccine on certain populations – including the immunocompromised and pregnant women – to see if they have adverse events from the vaccine (as there is “insufficient data” in the clinical trials to determine safety in these populations).

    So if you would like to sign up to be part of this human experiment, you are free to do so but at least know what you are signing up for.

  7. Soon the trial participants who got the placebo will be offered the vaccine. This way they will not be able to compare the health status long term of those who got the vaccine to those who got the placebo.

  8. Wondering how you can recommend a vaccine based on the premise that we don’t know what the long term effects of covid are when we don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine?! (A normal vaccine is tested quite a while before being approved to the public. And this vaccine uses a new kind of method)

  9. MoshP – it’s a new tank.

    Concerned – please watch the video again. You can get the mRNA of just the spike protein or the mRNA of the spike protein plus 28 others.

    Simcha – you’re quite smart and you understand.

    doesn’t stop transmission – due to the FDA approval process, many or most drugs do more than what is claimed on the label. If this doesn’t stop transmission then neither should having survived a Covid-19 infection.

    sam – why would this be worse than surviving the infection, having antibodies, then getting exposed again?

    Jay – addressed in the video.

    Sam – I posted this video on YouTube for the general public, not the frum community in particular. I gave ongoing permission for TLS to publish my videos if they want but I’m not involved in that process and I did not request it. I know that your comment is well meaning but following the Halachic principle of judging people favorably would have been helpful here.

    A New Fan!!!!! – thank you. My only motivation is to help people. I appreciate your supportive comments.

    dan – please ask your doctor.

    Question – please watch the video again. Your question was answered

    Thank you, everyone, for your comments,
    Kasriel (Rich) Roberts

  10. He said that if you already had covid 19 he is not so sure you should take the vaccine and you should wait and see what happens unless you are in a really high risk group.

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