VIDEO: Close-call MVA Caught on Dashcam

dashVIDEO: In this reader-submitted dashcam video, a driver can clearly be seen blowing a stop sign and coming within inches of a serious accident.

The incident occurred at the intersection of Somerset Avenue and East 7th Street in Lakewood.

This video and other similar dashcam videos are posted on TLS as an awareness to drivers to use more caution on the roads, and perhaps prevent serious accidents by exercising more courteous driving habits.


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  1. Same situation happened to me! Someone blew the all-way stop sign on first by the bus depot. They didn’t even bother slowing down! B”h I saw them coming! This is escalating problem not being addressed.

  2. Looks like the driver with the dashcam could have stopped or at least slowed down after he saw the white van running the stop sign.
    I guess the point of the video is that in the event of an accident, don’t assume the driver with the right of way is completely blameless!

  3. What needs to be done while driving is when you see a STOP SIGN is come to a full stop , regardless if there is traffic coming or not. If you are in that much of a hurry leave earlier. Maybe drivers need a refresher course on the meaning of traffic signs.

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