VIDEO: Christie: “The Gun Control Op-Ed Is Typical Liberal Claptrap From The New York Times.”
VIDEO: Christie: If San Bernardino Center was a Target, Every Place in the U.S. is a Target

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Wow! How brilliant! I thought only San Bernardino, Oklahoma City, Washington, D.C., NYC, Ukraine, Israel, England, France, were the only targets.
Deny it if you will ,These gun massacres aren’t regularly happening in other civilized countries
Australia is probably the society most similar to the US Leans masculine,mostly white, english speaking,
They’ve been without a mass shooting(4 or more) since 1996 ! when they passed gun controls In the US ,353 mass shootings (3 or more)
this year alone!!
Foolish gun lovers,
Those who say everyone should have guns ,is that what you really want?! Unable to go stroll ourside unless you first take your weapon?! The Wild West?!
Dodge City?!
Hatfields and the McCoys?!
Do you really desire a country/town where you and your family only safe to walk outside ,if you’re carrying a gun?! Because everyone else already has a gun?! Before you answer glibly ,use your noodles. Is that really what you want?! Doubtful Instead of all us relatively being safe strolling peacefully around without rushing to take a weapon first ?! This the Right Wing version of Sen. Moynihan’s”defining deviancy down”, conveniently evening things out with using the lowest common denominator