VIDEO: Governor Christie says he knew he wouldn’t win Iowa, but he’s a realist and looking beyond it.
VIDEO: Christie after Iowa Loss: “I knew…I’m a Realist”

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Hope he wins
He doesn’t stand a chance
He did nt stand a chance so why did he ignore the state that is paying his salary. He’s a loser…….. He took enough time off and we, the taxpayers paid his salary while he roamed around and ate well.
Why are you not writing what I wrote.???? I write the truth. Start printing what someone actually says whether you like what they sy or not.
So where is my words that I wrote before??????? Start writing the truth as I am writing this….
He doesn’t stand a chance. Just drop out and move on . Maybe make another toll hike while your at it .
He is a total looser, if he can’t fix the small bussing problem in Lakewood how could he run the country.