Surveillance footage captured a thief stealing e-bikes parked by youngsters outside a Lakewood shul on Sunday night. A resident tells TLS that the thief arrived at the parking lot of a shul on Spruce Street 40 minutes before stealing the bikes, scouting out the area before carrying out his plan.
There have been numerous reports recently of e-bikes and e-scooters being easily stolen, as children often leave them outside shuls and even sidewalks thinking that nobody will steal them.
Additionally, there have been a rising number of accidents involving e-bikes and e-scooters in recent weeks, with health officials warning that, although they might be fun and efficient, the toys can be deadly. Just yesterday, a Lakewood resident was lightly injured after being struck by a vehicle while riding his e-scooter in Prospect Vines.
To leave a bike especially a bike outside not locked is a peshiah.
If you were a shoer chinam you would pay – hands down.
This does not justify that it was stoled but it is a peshiah nevertheless and nothing to really feel bad about..
Let me guess, you grew up in the city.
To comment number one. Your 3rd statement was notSmart.