The Bonei Olam Dinner held last Monday night lived up to the hype. The entire Lakewood community came out in force to support an organization concerned only with relieving the burden of so many local couples and bring joy to empty homes. It was a Kiddush Hashem if the highest order.
The program ran like clockwork and the thousands who passed through the doors of Lake Terrace were treated to a joyous evening of music and inspiration. There is so much to unpack and so much to process. So many beautiful performances. So many inspiring divrei brocha… So much heart and compassion.
Bonei Olam is full of gratitude to all the honorees, the various fantastic speakers and all the magnificent performers, and to all the attendees who carved time from their busy schedules to participate in full. . It was a night of tremendous chizuk and will motivate us to reach for the stars. The Lakewood Kehilla is a driving force to all that we accomplish and it was on full display last night. It was a true celebration of the holy partnership between Bonei Olam and Lakewood.
There are no words to thank all of you for the strength you all continue to give us and may we celebrate many Simchos together until the day arrives for the biggest Simcha of them all. Binyan Beis Hamikdash Bemheira Beyameinu Amen!