Several dozen people gathered this evening in Lakewood’s Red Square to protest President Trump and his deportation orders.
Earlier today, TLS reported that many businesses local businesses are struggling with employees due to deportation policies and fears.
Where is the support for there protest? Have to assume there community is fully employed with plenty of work! ….They will be missed!
Don’t hire criminal illegals. Only hire law abiding citizens.
Don’t tell people what to do.
We all suffer from these deportations. Yet so many people voted for this. Boggles the mind.
In what way are you suffering? If you get arrested and charged with hiring these criminals, you will be a criminal. At that point don’t expect all of us to come to your aid with a campaign of pidyon shvuim. It’s a poshea. It’s a chilul Hashem that even Yom Kippur isn’t mechaper. It’s important to be a law abiding citizen and a Mekadesh shem shamayim in everything we do. This idea that hiring illegal criminals, is a chilul hashem. Simple fact. Simple Torah fact. Denying this fact is probably Kefira.
I understand and agree that they shouldn’t be here but let’s show a little compassion. Without them in Lakewood, Lakewood could shut down.
Maybe the roads will be a bit safer, to boot!.
How would that shut Lakewood down?
We are compassionate. That’s we are sending them home. Their extended family misses them. As to the work, there are plenty of unemployed legal citizens.
I’m going to take the high road and not respond to any of the replies to my comment except for this phrase my grandmother taught me:
“Zeit nicht azolche grosse tzulaygers!” This speaks volumes ………
Speak your mind my friend. What did I say that is inaccurate.
let them stay but let them come like a mentch on an air plane the way you get from country to country in a normal fashion instead of sneaking across the border and let them become legal IMMAGRANTS.
who ever said immigration was a bad thing?
whats going on here is not immigration
We need MERIT BASED immigration, and lots of it.
Billions of people would come here if they could, so making it restricted and competitive is the only way.
USA is the Harvard or MIT of countries – we can only let in the best.
Illegal immigrants are THIEVES, stealing the opportunity to come here from better qualified candidates all over the world.
Good immigrants speak better English than typical Americans, pay a lot more in taxes, and create jobs.
Well said, people get too comfortable with breaking the law. There are consequences to such actions.
There is also the option of getting a non-citizen’s workers permit which is purely legal.
They need to get their working papers at the border. They then also pay taxes as well.
You do know that anyone who can afford it takes a plane instead of sneaking across the border, right? It’s just not easy to save the money it takes for a passport and a flight.
But it’s easy to pay Mules to transport you by foot across all of south and central America?
They should be checked to see if they are adding value and peace to our country or not. If they are, let them stay or better yet give them citizenship, if not, ship ’em out and let them leech off of the country they came from.
No. They came here criminaly and should never be allowed back in.
Wake up Lakewood! Wake up NJ!
Illegal is illegal! Then some come to this country and commit a horrible crime and join a gang.
They should do it the honorable, legal way like millions of others did. You cannot go into and live in Mexico or any other Central and South American country.
Canada will deport you. They would deport or jail you WITHOUT you committing any crime. They WOULD NOT give you housing, food, clothing and $2000.00 VISA card per month. What happened to our seniors and veterans. How can they be homeless and remove them from their shelters to make room for illegals.
All of sudden states have billions of taxpayer money but they had nothing before? You know they just want the votes. They don’t care about anyone but getting the votes to stay in power and they are using the illegals as a tool. Every country has the right to protect its borders. Come here legally!
Let them leave, there is a correct way to go about this
Removing 100,000 immigrants from Lakewood will not change a thing. That would only be like 3% of the population.
ICE should have been informed of the Lakewood anti-Trump protests yesterday.
Should have had the Community marching with them for support. If Trump gets his way who will clean my house, do my laundry, cut my lawn, build our new homes, work in all the stores we use.
Poor you. You might actually do something worthwhile. I feel bad for your spouse that you don’t do anything. I feel bad for your children that have not received a Torah chinuch.
Don’t get so comfortable! My cleaning lady stole $50 k in cash (why it was in my house is a diff story), which she sent to her hoke country, so now she got deported and will enjoy her loot there!! They should have made her My slave for the next 20 years to pay off her debt!!!
Who will do the landscaping, gardening, house keeping, painting, drywall, laborers, construction, etc. It’s true they may have arrived illegally, but they are such an internal part of society. The economic impact will be felt for years.
Pick up a broom. Your grandparents survived being a mentch. Now it’s your turn.
What a disgrace.Our communities need each other,think about who works in your grocery stores,who cleans your house,who’s builds your houses,who do you hire for cheap labor,who you rent out your house to,who caters at your weddings,who does your shabbos party,who works in the kitchen at almost all your restaurants.Unfortunately they have to settle for those low wages because they have no papers,which make most of your business profitable.And they still do the job with pride,and there head held high.If you think a unemployed American is going to work at your grocery store for 13 hr then by all means go ahead and hire them,I worked in the catering business and most of the employees are immigrants and are paid 12-15$ hr which is extremely low considering it’s not easy work.When I would talk to a American catering business those guys would make 20/25$ hr plus tips,and wouldn’t have to do half the work we do.Trust me if these guys where given papers,the last place they would work for is your community,you guys should be thankful.But let see how it works out for you guys when you have to start paying your grocery workers 20$ a hr,your house cleaners 25$,your wedding catering bill is going to be even more expensive,let’s see if you can find a American guy to do your shabbos dinner for 15$hr.Who’s going to rent your houses and pay off your mortgages.
We don’t need criminals to work for us. We need to be better then the rest of the world, and thus only hire law abiding citizens. It always pays to be a proper law abiding citizen. Simple as that. BTW, no one not even the criminal illegals are cleaning homes for less then $25 hourly today. So who cares.
John, this thread must be very hurtful to all the people in your community. As you say, you guys help our community in so many ways and we really rely on you. I do not think that regular people like us need to be debating government policies.
To all the people attacking the immigrants – please realize the human cost of bashing a group of people. As John writes, our community and his work side by side every day, usually in harmony. Why create negative feelings? Why make so many people feel unwanted, judged and put down? What are you accomplishing?
Personally, all the immigrants I’ve hired or worked with are decent and good people. They also tend to be hardworking and reliable. I’m not taking sides in the debate but this I know: coming into a country illegally may make you a law-breaker but it doesn’t make you a terrible person!
This. Thank you.
Since when is a criminal a good person? At minimum they need to pay for the crimes committed before being allowed to be a part of the citizenry.
I don’t see one American flag being waved only waving the flag of Mexico…what does that say
Get em outta here.
This Shmendrik guy earned his moniker.
But some others also found a method of rationalizing their lack of compassion.
We were all taught as children that FDR did something wrong by refusing to bomb the trains to Auschwitz. Why did we expect him to care about citizens of another country? Why did we think the St. Louis story was such a terrible thing? We all expect compassion to turn our way when we are suffering. Yet have no problem with deporting millions of people who have not harmed a single one of us. What is happening to our hearts?
No, the fact that they ‘could have come legally’ (no they couldn’t) does not mean that we should not show compassion. The fact that they did something illegal does not make them subhuman or unworthy of compassion.
I just can’t wrap my head around this attitude.
Agreed. Well said. Thank you.
We have no idea what struggles and suffering push people to leave behind their families and everything familiar, and sneak into another country. Who’s to say you’d do differently if you were that desperate.
Only a low life criminal commits additional crimes. My ancestors did it legally. One member came legally and got the process started.
Yes yes yes
Compassion for criminals isn’t compassion of a Jew. it’s a liberal anti Torah mentality.
FDR turned boats filled with Jews back to their death. We were being killed. We were coming legally. Through ports of entry. These criminal illegals could have come legally. If they really had no choice but to come here in a criminal illegal manner, how come they didn’t come in these numbers under prior administrations? The reason they are coming in these numbers is because they were given fortunes for free. Fortunes on the backs of tax payers. Did your ancestors become life long dependents of the state? Are you living solely off benefits? Are you stealing jobs from others? How about taking free schooling and free medical care? How come? Why are these criminals doing this? Because they are criminals. They may not have harmed any Jews, but they have harmed other Americans. Compassion is for people who need compassion. Not for people who have enough ability to travel half way around the world and they cry poverty. Stick to reality and not fantasy.
I sometimes joke the best reason to have 5 kids is to cover laundry, bathrooms, dishes, mopping, and dusting.
But really, how many people complain about immigrants and then look away while a non-citizen is cleaning their house? Will you get your kids to help daily, or give up a trip to the Catskills so you can pay an American cleaner?
Will you complain when the line is too long at the bagel store because of deportations? Or maybe get upset that the prices went up to pay $15+ an hour for legal workers? Raise your hand if you can spend an afternoon bent over and picking berries, but not at minimum wage, because then strawberries would be $9/ lb.
These illegals aren’t working for cheap. They are all asking for the same minimum wages in cash. the only savings a company or person has is in their taxes. These people are still getting all the government supplied benefits like free education for their children, and free healthcare in our local hospitals. The cost of products won’t go up nearly as much as you make it sound. As to your housekeeping needs, if you don’t want to pay someone, pick up a broom and do it yourself. During Covid, when many to most such people were unavailable, we all survived. These theories are dumber then dumb.
A surprising number of immigrants avoid hospitals because they fear deportation. I agree about schooling.
But when you lump everyone into “these people,” it feels like various local town pages, talking about how yidden are taking over, not paying taxes, draining education, etc. It isn’t right.
For jobs there are a significant number of people using falsified working papers. Taxes get taken out weekly, but they can’t file taxes because of their status. Not saying everyone does, but it’s more than a theory.
Oh, and i’ve NEVER used a housekeeper
Really? Every hospital in a major Democrat city is full of these people.
First of all no one should use profanity language on a sign that’s disrespectful and they bring drugs in the USA
I do not get the lack of compassion and common sense here. We need each other. It doesn’t mean that you have to support pro immigration policies or go out and protest against deportation but we should have a basic respect for other people. The vast majority of our immigrant neighbors are decent people and have a better work ethic than most non- immigrant Americans.
So do more work on your own. Pick up a broom. Clean your toilets yourself.
They’re illegal when the don’t come in through proper process.
They need to go.
Shmendrik, what is your issue?
Why do you care? Why is it personal for you?
Your really need to work out your feelings in private, and not attack a group of people publicly. It is very damaging to our Torah-observant community for outsiders to think we all believe as you do. We have nothing against these people.
You can have your opinions about immigration policies but it is cruel to have no compassion for people who might be deported. Not saying whether or not the government needs to deport them but even if it’s necessary or right, your only response should be compassion for their human suffering.
Right now there are a large number of immigrants living and working right near us, who feel insecure and scared about the future. You are adding to their pain. There is not excuse for all this rhetoric. This is not the Jewish way.
Please stop.