VIDEO: A Scene You’ll Probably Only See in Lakewood

lfd holiday truckLakewood is probably one of the only towns in which you’ll see a Holiday figure giving out Kosher candy in Frum neighborhood, while being driven on a fire truck with a Frum firefighter driver.



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  1. Which brings to mind an old joke:
    The children are lined up sit on Santa’s. Each child is asked if they were good this year and if they say yes they are told to go take a present from under the tree. When little boy’s name is Moishy. “Moishy?!” the surprised Santa asks. “Were you a good little boy this year?” When Moishy says “yes” Santa whispers in his ear ” Nem Tzvei”.

  2. I am a frum Lakewood FF. I want to clarify a misconception as it seems some may not understand the context of this event. This ‘Holiday’ run has been taking place for the last 33 years or so. It is not a Jewish event per se. Long before there was a significant jewish presence this was happening. Its purpose is to spread holiday cheer courtesy of the local neighborhood fire company. The irony is not lost though, hence the description of this article. Article was posted as point of interest. So no, no one decided it would be fun to have ‘the Holiday figure’ give out candy to Jewish children. We can all relax and if this is not your cup of tea then you can choose not to participate. I for one am glad and grateful to live in a country that spreads holiday cheer and gives us the freedom to celebrate our respective holidays as we choose to.

  3. No offense to our non-Jewish brothers and sisters, however, Santa Claus IS a Christian symbol (and proudly so for them) and should not be paraded around mostly (entirely) Jewish areas for whom this symbol is inappropriate. The Jewish religion strictly forbids participating in Christian services or adopting their traditions, and this is not meant to offend, but to state very clearly that what was done here is highly disturbing to those sensibilities.

  4. Name one area of Lakewood that is Entirely Jewish please..because I see non-jewish families all over town when I am here..and what is wrong with that?? I say nothing is can not have a town entirely one religion or violates sooo many laws it would make your head spin.

  5. Hey yys I am very very offended by your comment. I extend my hand in friendship and you slap it away telling me I am not as good as you.
    You have a sad way of life.

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