VIDEO: 3rd of 4 former Lakewood High School Athletes sentenced for Armed Robberies

high school football player robbery suspectThe third of four Lakewood High School athletes charged in a string of armed robberies in Lakewood was sentenced on Friday.

Naquese Joshua, now 18, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in a string of armed robberies in Lakewood.

Two others from the group were sentenced last month. Christopher Perpignan, 18, was sentenced to six years in a juvenile detention center, and Hassan Diawara, 17, to 12 years in a juvenile facility.

The pair were part of a group of four arrested for the multiple armed robberies committed in Lakewood within moments of each other. The incidents were first reported by TLS.

The last of the four will be sentenced later this month.

See Star Ledger video of the sentencing below.

[TLS. Photo of the arrest]

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