Veretzky Rebbe to Visit Lakewood next Week

imageThe Veretzky Rebbe From Eretz Yisroel will be visiting Lakewood this ‪coming Sunday, May 15‬, though ‪Wednesday, May 19,‬ at the home of Boruch Gedalia Rieder 1507 Parkside drive.

The Rebbe who is a direct decedent of Zidichov and a 10th generation Einikel of the Baal Shem Tov, is renowned for his Genuine Warmth, Ahavas Yisroel and his Koach to be Poel Yeshuous on behalf of many Yidden.

The Rebbe will be seeing people on Sunday and Monday at the home of Reb Boruch Gedalia Rieder and on Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Reb Shulem Illowitz.

For more information and to schedule an appointment with the Rebbe, please call or text ‪732-806-1390‬.


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  1. I wish I would have known earlier. I went to New York this week and went into him. I was really impressed and felt that he really cared about me. At one point when discussing a serious problem I have the rebbe choked up in tears for me. I went after I heard about the yungerman in Lakewood that did not have children for 14 yrs. and went into the rebbe last year. The rebbe told him that if he is Mekabel to do melava malka with a group every week he promises him a child. This yungerman just had a child less then a year after the rebbes promise

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