At least two vehicles were broken into in the Ridge Avenue and Negba Street area Friday night, TLS has learned. The door to one of the vehicles was found open Shabbos morning by the children of one of the vehicle’s owner. Several items, including a GPS device, wires and loose change, were stolen from the vehicles. Police and CIU responded to investigate. Earlier in the day, the CIU were investigating an incident in the Raintree area where a woman looked out of her window Shabbos afternoon and noticed a man ransacking her vehicle. It is unknown if anything was taken from that vehicle.
Vehicles Broken Into, GPS And Other Items Stolen
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Lock your doors…lock your doors…lock your doors…oh I forgot that means your homes and cars.
Funny thing. I thought I locked my car. But I guess I did not. No finger prints were found because they may have used gloves.
Who says that they didn’t lock their doors? Not everytime there’s a car broken into, or a house for that matter does it suggest that windows or doors were left open. It could very well be that they were forced opened or broken into.
Well no, in this case and as in most cases the breakins are NON forced entry….so yeh! Lock your doors!!!
Ok anon. It was my car. And the police officer said it simple to buy a mechanisim to open doors that are locked. My son always locks the door to my car. SO I was shocked to find the door wide open
hide you’re yellow cans to.
What does yellow cans have to do with locking car doors? Sorry if your trying to be funny your humor is sorta dry!