[ALERT] With many garments being found recently with shatnez, the Vaad L’Mishmeres Shatnez, released the following statement: There are 3 basic misconceptions that some have, which has led them to wear shatnez.
1. Shatnez is not found in children’s or women’s clothing.
Wrong! Shatnez is common in women’s and children’s clothing. In the past year alone over 40 types of sweaters were found to be shatnez; most of them were women’s sweaters.
2. Shatnez is not found in garments purchased in Jewish owned stores.
Wrong! As garments are made in non-Jewish factories, one is obligated to test these garments as stated in Shulchan Aruch. Many garments sold in Jewish owned stores are found to be shatnez.
3. If there will be a problem, the store will let me know.
Wrong! Unfortunately, almost every time shatnez is found in a Jewish-owned store, some garments are unaccounted for. In addition, usually some of those contacted had worn the garments already.
Please read the accompanying shatnez alert reviewed by the rabbinical board of the Vaad L’Mishmeres Shatnez.
I myself once bought a skirt in a local woman’s store in lakewood- and whadayaknow – it had shatnez!
please read WHAT accompanying shatnez alert?
what is shatnez?
To #3. Shatzez refers to the biblical prohibition of wearing wool and linen together. Therefore when a garment is purchased and is made with either wool or linen, it has to be checked by a professional to check that there isn’t any mixture of threads of the other material.
Does something with “rayon” have to be tested for Shatnez?
In case you haven’t found it yet, click on the word alert (beginning of article).
To Sarah,
Rayon is a synthetic material. Something made out of 100% rayon and has no inner fillings or linings does not have to be tested.
Don’t forget that at times it is halachically permissible to rely on “chazakos” concult your LOR