Utility Advisory Committee Holds Board Meeting With New JCP&L Representative

PHOTOS: The Utility Advisory Committee held a board meeting today, joined by the newest utility company represenativie from JCP&L. Pete Johner, a senior Representative of the electric company, joins Carmen Tierrno of NJAW, as they try and tackle issues facing the tens of thousands of Lakewood customers, which otherwise remain unsolved.

The Utility Advisory Committee – formed late June by the Township to act as a liaison between utility customers and utility companies – was formed after Mayor Miller expressed his frustration with the NJ American Water Company at a prior meeting.

Mayor Miller tells TLS the committee is hoping to have other utility companies – such as phone companies – join the board as well.

Since forming the committee, the Board has managed to solve many issues brought forward by utility customers. TLS.

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  1. JCP&L is this big monster organization that doesn’t care about the resident. Kudos to the Mayor for working hard on attempting to reel them in.

  2. Nonworking streetlights are a problem in Lakewood Township. Mayor Miller has asked residents of Lakewood Township to gather with him on Sunday, 11/27/2011 at Town Hall at 7:00 PM to form a task force to identify failed streetlights.

    You can register as a task force member by calling 732-364-2500 x 7653 to volunteer your services, Mayor Miller is doing his part; it is now time for us to do our part to get the streetlights back on.

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