Use Reflective And Warning Tools, When Changing Tires In The Roadway

cones and torchesThis morning, an Israeli couple was killed in a hit-and-run accident while reportedly changing a flat tire on the highway. In light of the tragedy, it’s important that motorists are reminded of the dangers of changing flat tires on roadways, and the proper safety measures to be taken.

Aside for pulling over your vehicle as far out of the roadway as possible, while changing tires – when a professional is unavailable – always place emergency triangles or cones beginning approximately 50 feet behind your vehicle. At night, changing tires without these items, is extremely hazardous.

Torch Lights are also a good alternative for the evening hours.

Additionally, a reflective emergency vest is also strongly recommended. TLS.

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  1. That’s why we wear our Chaverim vests when we respond to calls it”s not to be cool but to save our lives!

  2. It also pays to notify the police that your car is disabled so they can send an officer to park behind you for extra visibility.

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