They’re the children of Klal Yisroel. Let’s help them celebrate Pesach.
A DESPERATE CALL FOR HELP. Will you lend a hand?
The World of Bayis Lepleitos
International- Bayis Lepleitos of Yerushulaim stands out in today’s world, as the only safe haven for Heimishe orphaned girls from local Chareidi communities.
Hailing from various difficult situations, many have lost their parents while others come from abusive backgrounds or challenging home situations.
Throughout the years, Bayis Lepleitos has emerged into various different departments to accommodate the wide influx of newcomers. It ultimately transformed into a worldwide initiative, where shattered and broken children arrive to be raised with the warmth and structure they need to go on with their lives.
Bayis Lepleitos provides every girl with a path to grow. They learn, they laugh, they thrive. They spend their time within its welcoming embrace until they become ready to marry and venture into a life of their own.
So many Bayis Lepleitos yesomim have already raised new generations and built beautiful homes K”H.
An astronomical undertaking
If the expense of maintaining the home is enormous throughout the year, then now, in preparation for the Yom Tov Pesach, the costs are astronomical. So many additional costs arise at this time, starting from new clothes for each girl- to the necessary Yom Tov basics they need to feel special.
In addition to this, there’s the expenses of buying Pesach food and the upholding of the counselors and staff, as well as general annual expenses of building maintenance, which in the current inflation, is at an all time-high.
Bayis Lepleitos is not a home that gets closed on Shabbasim and Yomim Tovim, but stays open and running all year round.
A plea for help
Bayis Lepleitos is now addressing the local, Heimisha public, who understand the importance of upkeeping the home, to help and participate in the Erev Pesach Campaign.
It’s an appeal to everyone not to abandon these innocent, broken souls, but to send them a package for Yom Tov.
You can easily take a part by donating a “Full Yom Tov package” for $1,200, a “Shopping Package” for $500, a “New Yom Tov Dress” for $75.
For those who send a Full Yom Tov Package, an Hagaddah will be sent for the Yasom with a personal Yom tov wish from the Donor.
You can call the office of Bayis Lepleitos at 718.682.2008 or visit blphome.org.
Askanim will be collecting contributions across all local shuls on behalf of the girls in need.