URGENT: (UPDATED) If you plan on heading to NY for Shabbos via the Garden State Parkway, please take note that beginning 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, exit #127 North Bound on the Garden State Parkway-which leads to the 440 North and the Outerbridge Crossing-will be CLOSED until Sunday morning. Please take Route 9 or the NJ Turnpike. Exit 13 to the Goethals is very susceptible to heavy backups as well, so please plan accordingly. Please also note, that this is the first Friday of Daylight Savings Time, so Shabbos begins an hour earlier. In the event you or a family member gets stuck too close to Shabbos, please contact Lakewood Chaveirim’s Emergency Shabbos Host Program at 732-370-2229.
U/D 1:42 p.m. TLS just spoke with Chaveirim who confirmed with the GSP Authority, that the time IS 11:00 a.m. and not as some suggested 11:00 p.m.
Ty yehuda rotberg for all his effort in making this shaboss program udabest
per the electric sign by the exit it says the exit will be closed from FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11 PM. Please double check your facts.
the parkway website says 11am
thank you chaverim/lkwd scoop for caring about the tzibur and bringing this to the tziburs attention hopefully this will remind people that as per the poskim one must give double the amount of time for a trip erev shabbos to compensate for any mishaps chas vesholom
At least Lakewood scoop got the hotline number right the first time – thanks again Lakewood scoop
I am 99% sure the sign said 11pm
I know of a Family that they got put up after getting the call 20 min befor Shabbos. Thank You Chaveirim and Thank You to the Families all aroun that are on stanby to help
someone called chaveirim last night already to tell them the sign said 11AM
call the gsp theyll tell you 11AM
Another note – This is the first Friday of EASTERN STANDARD TIME – not Daylight savings time
Thank you for this update!
Sadly, there are still drivers who will Back Up on the highway to try avoiding the traffic delays. Did you see the chaotic driving on November 1 in New York? People were literally Backing Up on the Highway!!! Also driving on the Shoulders to cut back into the line, only to be a few feet closer to the front! Some people are just so selfish and have no respect for the Law or their fellow Drivers.
The concept of “Eastern Standard Time” in our region has been around since Sanford Fleming invented this gevaldike idea on November 18, 1883. It was further established as U.S. Law on March 19, 1918
Our current form of “Daylight Savings Time” (DST), an entirely different concept, has been around since April 13, 1966 when it was signed by the President in a Federal Bill called the “Uniform Time Act.” It has undergone its latest revision/extension in March 11, 2007.
Sorry if I was too brief, but my time is running out..
You are confusing yourself.
The concept of “Eastern Standard Time” in our region has been around since Sanford Fleming invented this gevaldike idea on November 18, 1883. It was further established as U.S. Law on March 19, 1918
Our current form of “Daylight Savings Time” (DST), an entirely different concept, has been around since April 13, 1966 when it was signed by the President in a Federal Bill called the “Uniform Time Act.” It has undergone its latest revision/extension in March 11, 2007.
Sorry if I was too brief, but my time is running out..
Beware of all the traffic tomorrow if you are near downtown Manhattan due to the 11AM Yankees parade which will keep Broadway and surrounding streets closed during our early Friday home return.
either way you put it – it’s not the first Friday of DST it’s the first friday with regular time – EST –
I don’t know where this information came from but it should be verified before posting. The following was taken from the State of NJ commuter website at: http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/commuter/
According to this, construction will not start until 8:00 PM Friday night until 5:00 AM Monday morning.
Date: November 5, 2008
Project: P100.052 Northern Bridge Deck Repairs and Resurfacing
Route/Direction/MP: Garden State Parkway / North / Exit 127
Municipality/County: Woodbridge Township / Middlesex County
Nature of work: The work includes installation & removal of catches, structural steel repair, deck joint replacement, milling, and paving. This phase of the construction is only deck joint replacement and spall repair.
During the construction period, the NB exit ramp of Interchange 127 will be closed. A detour route will be in place for motorists to access Routes 9 & 440 as well as I-287. Additionally, northbound travel lanes over the Driscoll Bridge will be reduced from eight (8) lanes to five (5) lanes during this period. Interchange 124 entrance ramp from Main Street to the Parkway north will also be closed during this time period. A detour route will be in place for motorists to access the Parkway northbound.
Proposed Start Date and Time of the Construction: The construction is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. on the evening of Friday November 6, 2008 to 5 a.m. on the morning of Monday November 9, 2009.
Anticipated Traffic Impacts: It is anticipated that moderate traffic back-ups will occur during the afternoons on Saturday and Sunday before clearing in the evening hours.
The information is based on http://www.state.nj.us/turnpike/gsp-tadv-11-02-09.pdf note that this one was written 11-2
However, at the following link which is newer than the one quoted above, it states 8:00 pm http://www.state.nj.us/turnpike/trafficImpactNotificaton-GSP-127_110509.pdf note that this was written 11-05-09
as per a chaveirim member that SPOKE to the tnpke auth. they said closures will be in the day
To All The Previous Posters, Do U Really Think Chaverim/Lkwd Scoop Would Post This Information Without First Verifying It??!