Urgent Asifa to be Held This Evening for Local Family in Great Need of Assistance

An urgent Asifa will be held this evening, to benefit a Lakewood family in great need of assistance. The gathering has been arranged by many Askanim to come to the aid of the family that, l”a, has been struck with a severe financial blow due to their daughter’s suffering from cancer, r”l, which has taken a great toll on the entire family both emotionally and monetarily.

The event will be held at the home of R’ Shrage Pinter, 572 Seton Circle, between 8PM-12 AM.

Tax Deductible donations can be made payable to Chesed of Lakewood, or online by clicking the following link: https://www.duvys.com/simple/chesed.

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  1. When sending a check to Chesed of Lakewood, what reference should we include so we know it will go to this family? Please post full address of Chesed of Lakewood. Thank you.

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